Friday, January 14, 2022

2 - Janessa H: I Am From

I am From

I am from nessa, nessebear, and ness

I am from Sacramento, a city where going outside was all I knew. 

I am from hearing “be in before the streetlights turn on” and “have fun”

I am from all day bike rides to who knows where,

From walking to sprouts and getting seaweed

I am from playing the whole Justin Bieber playlist,

From pouring my heart out to every lyric

I am from my nana and papa taking me on long trips,

From them raising me like I was their own

I am from hearing “you can do anything you put your mind to”

I am from a household that society deems not normal,

I am from a father who chose himself over his daughter,

From needing the reassurance from family I hold close

From long car rides to cheer competitions

I am from the sport I love most and the family I created

I am from accepting change and making the best out of it,

From never quite being like the rest

I am from my own imagination and creations,

From becoming the woman I always planned to be


  1. Hi Janessa! I loved your poem! It reminded me a lot of when I was growing up as well. From being inside before the street lights to my mom's lettuces and motivational speeches on setting a goal and accomplishing it. You did a really good job with your wording. I was really able to make a mental picture. Great job!

  2. Hi Janessa! Your poem was great! Your last paragraph was my favorite because you were so honest and genuine talking about your life. The whole poem flowed really nicely and you did a great job describing everything. Good work!


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