Wednesday, January 26, 2022

3 - Raymond L: Breaking through the Glass


Glasses changed my life for the better, but they also really messed me up. Ever since I was little I was never able to see anything, I would squint at the TV that was right in front of me and I would run into people and things not being able to see them. My parents saw all these things and decided it was time to get me glasses.

As a kid I already looked terrible, I buzz cut my hair every time it would get too long, I wasn’t the most athletic, and I was a serious nerd. The glasses added to the fact that I looked disgusting, making me look more like a nerd, less athletic, and overall uglier. 

I would be made fun of for wearing glasses and being called a nerd, and every time I took my glasses off you could see the outline of them from how much I wore them. When I did take them off people would make comments about my outline and call me raccoon boy. That was when I realized I needed to change. 

I had gotten into sports, I got contacts and started to grow out my hair. With time I started to look better than my nerdy self. I broke through what was holding me back in my life, the glasses. I rarely wear them outside, contacts have changed my life. I am able to see without having to find my glasses every morning, and I am more confident than I am with those nasty glasses that ruined me as a little kid.

As I grow up everyday, I realize that I was able to break through the wall of glass that made me who I am today. 

Word count: 288


  1. Hi Raymond,

    I was interested in hearing your perspective on wearing glasses, and it feels very different from mine. I wonder when you first wore glasses, because when I bought my first pair in junior high, I was never made fun of for it. My glasses helped me see and nobody perceived any preconceived notions about me when I wore them---they were just annoying to wear. I can definitely understand where you come from, though.

  2. Hey Raymond I totally agree with this! Our whole school careers we have been trained to practice over and over again so we can master certain subjects and concepts. If you think of math you're never amazing at a new concept before your lesson, and once you learned it you now have to practice it . Everything In life requires practice and you made a ton of great points. Great job ray


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