Wednesday, January 19, 2022

3- Khaleah A: Does handwritten cards still have value in this digital age?


Yes, I do think that handwritten letters still hold value in this time and age. The world has evolved into a society heavily relied on technology. Whether it's to communicate, to check global news, or simply to submit a school assignment. Overall society has changed drastically with communication and the spread of information. Taking your time out of your day to hand write a letter stimulates the Reticular Activating System that activates an attentive state that allows a flow of creativity and ideas. Handwritten letters are more valuable and memorable. It shows a form of personality and character. Handwritten letters are easier to hold onto and are treasured by the receivers for years and years. Handwritten letters are also more personal. Technology isn't always reliable. There are instances where there is a computer crash or reset where all data is lost forever. Leaving the receiver to heavily relying on a device to hold onto a treasurable passage. Instead of being in control for yourself. Handwritten letters from people that have passed on also hold a sense of peace and as a memorial. Hand writing expresses a hand-mind connection which engages memory, encourages concentration along with clarifying your thoughts. It can lead to authentically expressed thoughts that will make the writer feel better about expressing. Over time technology has shortened our attention spans which makes high quality communication difficult. With typing there are other notifications that will divert your attention causing the writer not to incorporate emotion into their writing. Taking time away from technology will allow the writer to dig deep and focus on the message of their writing.

269 words

1 comment:

  1. Hi Khaleah,
    Hand written letters will always feel more personal and thoughtful then typed messages. Someone taking the time and holding a pen in their hand and seeing every smudge or eraser mark definitely feels more special. I like that you brought up how other notifications can divert our attention when sending messages with technology. You make a good point that it encourages concentration when you're writing by hand. Great job!


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