Monday, January 10, 2022

1 - Tracy R: Inside Out Voices


JOY - Will Smith / Julia Roberts

When I think of JOY, I think of laughter - loud, deep belly laughter - the kind of laughter that makes others laugh just by hearing it.  This is the kind of laughter I associate with both Will Smith and Julia Roberts.  From his early days of Fresh Prince of Bel Air to Men in Black, Will Smith has a laughter and a joyful manner that is contagious and full of positive energy.  In the same manner, Julia Roberts' authentic, innocent laugh from Pretty Woman is one for the ages.  That joyfull innocent laugh speaks to me and reminds me of the lighter side of this world.

SADNESS - Adelle

Maybe it’s because she is older, maybe it’s because her new song just decimates me every time, but Adelle is the voice of a lifetime. Her ability to reach notes and put emotions into words speaks to my soul, resonates in my soul and echoes in my soul - always.

FEAR - Jeff Goldblum / Scar (Lion King)

While Jeff Golblum may have been the example, you need to know I was TERRIFIED by Jurassic Park.  When I saw it - in the theater, a thousand years ago - it was the first time they debuted the Dobly Surround Sound.  The first time EVER.  So when that Dino stomped and the water glass shook, I felt that.  I felt that in my chest.  In my heart.  IN my soul.  And when I left the theater, I literally looked around for Dinos romping the streets of SLO.  Jeff’s warnings in the movie spoke of the fear that I felt, the real, yet not-so-real fear that I felt.  

Aside from the example, Scar’s threats from Lion King, the way he manipulated Simba, that was also terrifying.  To me, his voice represents that manipulation of innocence, that evil lurking in places you’d least expect it.  To me, his voice represents a fear you can’t necessarily see, but threatens you and those you love in every way possible.

ANGER - Eminem

During my college years, Emnimen was at the top of our Napster playlists (if you know, you know).  “Will the real Slim Shady please stand up”  - yes, this was Eminem - until it wasn’t.  He turned Kanye before Kanye turned Kanye, if you can understand that.  When he sang “Cleaning Out My Closet,” there was an anger there that leaped from the lyrics, a deeper anger than the words portrayed.  I don’t get REALLY angry very often, but when I do, it’s that voice of Eminem that swallows my entire world.  

DISGUST - Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is hilarious, and his moments of disgust are even more hilarious.  I gravitate toward his role in Jumani as Finbar - the short zoologist who was allergic to cake.  His face of disgust makes me laugh every single time.  His facial expressions, full of surprise and shock, are a combination of both disgust and ridiculousness.  As a teacher, there are countless moments of disgust. For example, when I give directions, and a student immediately asks for directions - that’s mild disgust.  Or when a student says something outrageously silly or so far from right or just completely random and out of nowhere - that’s a disgust mixer with ridiculousness.   That’s where I live - between disgust and ridiculousness.  Kevin Hart has that look and that response absolutely mastered. 

Word Count 552

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