Tuesday, January 25, 2022

4- Katrina Smith: THE GRIND MUST STOP: The fine line between healthy progress and hustle culture

 THE GRIND MUST STOP: The fine line between healthy progress and hustle culture 

“We do not have the right to sit and feel hopeless. There is too much work to be done.” - Dorothy Day. Dorothy most likely meant for people to progress and move forward rather than moping yet this can be  interpreted in an unhealthy way. “Too much work to be done” may refer to reaching progress and success in one's personal life, but could also mean their work life. 

Over the past few years, ‘hustle’ culture has been on the rise. The idea of working as hard as you can to reach your best potential (and make a lot of money) is the framework for this mindset. There is nothing wrong with working hard and making some sacrifices for your job, but hustle culture takes this to a whole other level. 

Hustle culture and the grindset mindset promotes unhealthy levels of stress. Stress can be good in some situations but extended periods of stress releases the cortisol hormone, and this prolonged stress can have detrimental effects on one's physical and mental well being. Most often associated with anxiety, depression, heart disease, memory impairments, and more.

Besides negatively affecting one's body, hustle culture instills the capitalistic  idea that the only value people have is their productivity capability and how much work they get done. People should be valued for their humanity and not how much they get done at their 9-5. 

I know i’ve mentioned how this culture encourages people to work tirelessly, but the work they are doing isn't always for someone else. Hustle culture promotes starting your own business and being self employed. Some may find it inspiring to one day work for themselves, but posts about reaching “success” from people who follow this mindset often shame people who work for others or in an office setting. 

Ultimately hustle culture may have been founded on working hard for your dreams, but what it's become in recent years is something that should not be celebrated. Working till the brink of failure or to the point where your body begins to shut down is counterproductive. Some people like working in an office and don't want to be self-employed either. This shows how success is truly subjective and you can put your own meaning to anything. 

Word count: 373

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katrina,
    I have to agree with your stance on "hustle" culture and how it affects the mind and health. I do not believe that there is anything inherently wrong about working hard to accomplish your goals, but "hustle" culture is damaging. I especially do not perform well under pressure and I often find myself unable to communicate and work effectively. I never thought of "hustle" culture through the eyes of capitalism and the idea that it promotes a life based upon productivity which could leave you in a state of despair.


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