Wednesday, January 19, 2022

3 Preston K : Passing period at WCW


After the quarantine passing period became less friendly, I noticed more individuals that were one loud and always chatting to all of a sudden being closed off or having specific friends. I no longer see people with new groups everyday but the same people in the same spots at the same times like someone is copying and pasting reality every day for 5 minutes rarely ever editing what happens. To me passing period no feels like another task prolonging the day. Only enjoyment I get out of the passing period is the brief time to talk to my close friends because we have no classes together. Compared to freshman year, I found myself always talking and chatting, migrating and roaming to different friend groups and chatting it up but now I talk to few people. I now find enjoyment in passing a split-second break that's the same but still refreshing like a glass of water. It's like always filling the same glass with the same water but sometimes you drink it slowly or fast. Maybe adding 3 pieces of ice instead of 2 for a little spice. I would always see later and joy coming from groups talking about worldly things before quarantine and how they looked forward to going somewhere during the week or exciting stories but now I hear more sad and weird stories. The sounds and feelings have changed. Going from the feeling of an early morning summer to the feeling of a late-night spring having you wonder where the old mood blow away too and will it return


1 comment:

  1. Hi Preston! I completely agree with your take on the mood change during passing period at Wood. It seems like people forgot how to socialize and interact during the time we were quarantined. The past year that we spent locked in our houses away from all of our friends , and the lack of social interaction in general took a lot out of us. Even though we’re back at school now, we aren’t the same happy and joyful kids we once were, and that is obvious even in the 5 minute passing periods. I really like how descriptive you were when you were talking about the different conversations you overhear when you’re in passing period and the contrast between what you used to hear and what you hear now.


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