Monday, January 31, 2022

5- Preston K Memory of music


Music, just a generic word, has a little depth to it, could mean hip-hop, Rap, Slow old school, or the jazzy new school.

Everyone who hears the word music thinks of it differently. Some think of Taylor Swift, while others think of J Cole wrapping true lyrical masterpieces, but me, I think of memories. Music is played and creates a memory for me to always remember.

First ever time i got my car i remember playing ongoing things on repeat all day and i connect it to my car. Playing that song nowadays whenever I hear the beat and sound I think of my excitement walking out of my house looking at what would become a project and expression of who I am.

Music also connects me back to my childhood. The old blues and songs my grandpa would play out on the beach and the docs of susin as we laughed and talked about the future. My grandpa always played what I liked to call it old people music but i'll tell you what it grows on you over time. I find myself listening to his music more and more now just to relax or reminisce on past life and how much it has changed. 

Growing older the word music resonates differently than when I was young. When I was young the word music was annoying to me. Only reason I say annoying was because I only heard one type of music and it was gospel. The constant same beat over and over and over just made me feel numb. I always would fight my mom to not go to church just to avoid the music but sure enough I always had to. Now that I'm older I still hate gospel music. It annoys me very much. 

Even though i'm annoyed by gospeles repadative beat i can listen to a song i love on repeat, For hours. I once played a song 3 days over and over just because i loved the beat. I still do this for new songs. 

The best part about music though is when your listening to a song with your closest friends and going crazy enjoying the time and memories you know your making Making music not just music But a Memeory.


  1. Hi Preston,
    You make a good point that music can be directly correlated with a specific moment in time or memory. Your experience with gospel music is interesting, it seems people would usually grow closer to music from their childhood but like you said, bad memories can also be associated with some genres or songs. When reading your response I immediately thought or Spotify Wrapped or a year in review playlist from music streaming services. They are the perfect way to relive different phases or time periods in life. Great job!

  2. Hello Preston! Your post amazes me because you turned music, a seemingly tangible thing made of instruments and medleys and simple choruses of words, into something abstract that holds so much sentimental value. I love how you mentioned the shift of perspective and appreciation for music that developed as you grew older. Reading your blog also made me think about the times when music was associated with annoying, more negative memories and times where it was better associated with happier, more cherishing ones.


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