Thursday, January 20, 2022

2- Samantha A: I am From

             I am from the never ending worries of life

             to the spontaneous day trips to the city. 

I am from the boisterous family at the Mary's pizza shack table 

To the quiet behaved family sitting in the pews of church. 

I am from having a room filled with books and clothes all to myself,

To sharing those same books and clothes with my sister 

Having to walk in the pouring rain to a friends house,

To walk that same path alone on my own. 

I am from the Science fair Participant ribbons,

 and the ¨Good Effort¨ awards at school. 

Walking to school with my brother and sister 

To driving myself to highschool. 

I am from dressing up for 

the Hoot and Howl School Events

And being told ¨You´re gonna be late if you don't hurry up and get your costume on.¨ 

And Those chilly 2012 school days and remembering 

What it was like practicing my handwriting with dad.

I am from all those family traditions, 

New and old, including 

Doing secret santa gift exchange with the cousins 

To hosting the annual Amado family thanksgivings

I am from having to wait for uncle at the train station 

To enjoy those thanksgivings with him

All the way to reserving a spot to watch the 

Fireworks in town every 4th of July. 

I am from tearing my ACL at third base to 

Pitching my first JV game.

I am from having to quarantine for a year 

And not knowing what would happen,

To later losing 45 pounds in that same quarantine 

I am from the determination of others 

And the strength of my own 

I am from my family tree that 

I love so dearly and 

I am from all those crazy memories that

I spend every year with the people that matter most. 


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