Wednesday, January 12, 2022

1-Samantha A: Inside Out Voices

Florence Pugh to Star in 'The Wonder' Adaptation – The Hollywood Reporter

The Subtle Bravery of Eeyore in WINNIE-THE-POOH - Nerdist

JOY= Florence Pugh

Florence Pugh is an English Actress, known mainly for her role as Yelena Belova in Black Widow or her role as Amy March in Little Women. I chose her as my joy, because naturally as a woman she is about as happy as you can get. Whether her roles are happy or sad, she herself as an actress is a very joyous and delightful person. Not to mention she does have a British accent, and I feel as though British people are just more likely to be happy and funny. Florence Pugh would make a great JOY in my head, because I feel as though we share the same type of humor and similar taste. Every interview I’ve seen of her, she has always been smiling and making jokes, as well as sharing her interest and passion for things such as cooking, music, fashion, etc. Pugh also always keeps the energy lighthearted in all that she does, and so I feel if she were my JOY I would be 10x more cheery than the average person. 

SADNESS= Eeyore the donkey

If you’ve seen Winnie the Pooh, then surely you must know the gray donkey, Eeyore who is always sad. I think Eeyore is a perfect example of SADNESS, because even though in each episode he is surrounded by the people who care about him the most, he is still sad. Not to say, I am sad every time I’m surrounded by friends or family, but I definitely do have my Eeyore moments like this, and so I just think Eeyore is really a character that understands what I struggle with at times. 

FEAR= Sarah Paulson 

Sarah Paulson is probably one of the best actresses showcasing fear in her work life. Paulson is known widely for her role in the American Horror Story show, where she plays a completely different character each season. No matter what character she is playing, ranging from a witch, to an insane asylum patient, she shows her fear head on. In most of the seasons she tends to be the main character who screams out of the fear they are in. I think because of this, she would make an extremely beneficial FEAR in my head. 

ANGER= Gordon Ramsey

For one of the best chefs in the world, Gordon Ramsey has one of the biggest tempers as well, and he is not afraid to show that off. Throughout his life, he’s had many tv shows ranging from Hell’s Kitchen to Kitchen Nightmares. No matter what show he is in, his anger just cannot be contempt. Gordon Ramsey tends to get upset with the chefs that he’s trying to train, or the restaurants he’s trying to critique. I feel as though Gordon Ramsey makes a perfect ANGER in my head, because at many times I feel the type of anger that he feels, which tends to be cursing someone out over food. I have my moments as a person where the slightest thing can go south and make it very difficult for me to communicate cordially with a person, and so if Gordon Ramsey were the Anger in my head, I know there would be no hold back from him. 

DISGUST= Aubrey Plaza 

Aubrey Plaza is another one of those actresses, where it doesn’t even feel like acting, it just feels like they're talking as they would in real life. Known mainly for her role as April Ludgate in Parks and Rec, she is an actress that is so contemptuous and sarcastic, that it makes up for the perfect emotion of DISGUST. Aubrey Plaza also makes for the perfect DISGUST, because she keeps it genuine in her interviews and doesn’t let anyone really boss her around. I also feel like it’s a lot to do with her voice that brings off this perfect energy of DISGUST. Mindy Kaling who plays DISGUST in Inside Out has a sort of high pitched valley girl voice, which works as a DISGUST, meanwhile Aubrey Plaza has this deeper monotone voice that is even better in my opinion for a true emotion of DISGUST, and maybe even a little hate.  


  1. Hi Samantha,
    Similarly to you, I also chose Gordon Ramsey as anger. Though his anger over incorrect recipes or oddly cooked food can be overdramatized for the camera, his TV persona is still a perfect representation of anger. Although I chose him because he is a generally angry man, I like that you mentioned how you can relate to him once in a while. Good job!

  2. Hi Samantha,

    I highly agree with you on choosing Gordon Ramsay for your voice of anger. Especially when it comes to a bitter, criticizing persona, Ramsay exemplifies how harsh society can be when it comes to mastering a subject. I always imagine that an angry teacher is exactly like Gordon Ramsay. It is funny to watch Ramsay scold his chefs, for me at least, but what if you were scolded by him?
    Nice post!


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