Monday, January 24, 2022

4- Yara A: Descriptive Piece about Practice

 Blog #4- The art of repeating something 

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the prompt about practice was soccer. Although, I am taking a break from playing this year due to the fact I am working while also going to school and I felt like playing a sport would simply just add more stress to my plate. I felt like this could be something I could elaborate perfectly on.

 In the practice of soccer, things I would constantly hear everyday between teammates or coaches were motivational words. Whether it was when you were doing a drill or trying to learn a new skill, you would almost never hear negativity from your teammates or coaches. It is always “you got this” and “don’t give up” as well as “keep pushing”. I always heard things that motivate you to do better and find the energy to keep trying even in difficult moments.

 When i say “keep pushing” my mind instantly goes to running, during practice we would have to run suicides or laps around the stadium and i just remember the feeling of exhaustion, your legs feeling like literal jello after doing multiple drills, trying to steady your breathing and feeling your heart pumping but having to keep pushing through it.  An example of something I would always see on the field is leadership. During games you may be put in difficult situations that make you have to rise up and be the bigger person. Whether it was someone purposely pushing you or insulting you on the field you had to rise up and do better. 

Practicing soccer felt like a breath of fresh air, for me when I practiced and played soccer all the troubles in the world faded away . In those moments nothing else mattered or crossed my mind. It was me just simply focusing on the tasks given to me whether it was learning a new drill or having to defend the ball during a game. The feeling is merely indescribable.That is why practicing soccer to me is so important because not only does it benefit me in a great way and makes me feel absolutely amazing but it teaches me skills i have not acquired before, it taught me patience as well as leadership. 

Word Count: 375


  1. Hi Yara! I found your blog extremely relateable. I used to play volley ball, but since I stared working this year, I didnt want to add on extra stress. In sports I would also head positive motivation and comments from coaches and team mates. In highschool there is already a lot of stress so making sure theres a balance aned your not over working your self is whats important for your mental health.

  2. Yara this week's blog hit straight to home, with the idea of practice matched with the concept of teamwork. Your teammates and coaches push you on with positivity and words of encouragement. I remember when I did wrestling my teammates were always pushing me to better myself so I relate extremely with that. Great job with this well written and easily relatable post.


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