Thursday, January 20, 2022

1 - Raymond L: Inside Out Voices


JOY - Maui 

Maui, played by The Rock in Moana, is a very Joyful person who helped Moana cheer up in the movie. Moana decided to go into the ocean by herself and ended up on Maui’s island. Maui is a demigod who basically is the hero of the whole movie, but also needed the help of Moana along his Journey to save her island and every other island. Maui never seemed like the guy who would turn on Moana and always was by her side, Maui reminds that happiness is all you really need in life. 

SADNESS - Eeyore

When I think of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, I always look at him as a character of sadness or depression. The whole group in Winnie the Pooh all represent certain mental health problems. Eeyore, my favorite character, represents depression. He reminds me that it doesn’t matter how sad you are, there is always something that will always make you happy. 

FEAR - Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson)

Roman from Fast and Furious was a character that was super scared doing all of the stuff that everyone did in all of the movies. Going from fighting with cops, going to jail, and racing, he was the most scared out of all the other characters in the movie. At one point he and The Rock had an interaction and Roman was scared of The Rock after he said a few words to him. Roman represents a character of fear that doesn’t like to get into much danger. 

ANGER - Squidward 

Squidward is a very angry character, he doesn’t like anybody in the show Spongebob and he really is just a mean character overall. Spongebob does everything he can to try to cheer up Squidward, but he doesn’t like it and finds Spongebob and Patrick super annoying. Everyday Squidward has to go to work at the Krusty Krab and has an attitude of getting orders from every customer that comes into the restaurant. Squidward just represents an angry person that doesn’t like to talk to anybody. 

DISGUST - Samuel L. Jackson

In the movie Kingsman Samuel L. Jackson was absolutely disgusted at one point because there was a point where lots of people had died randomly and just exploded all over the place and it got on him at one point too. This scene showed Jackson’s facial expressions which meant disgust and just seeing everyone’s body parts flying everywhere was super nasty.

Word Count: 404 of 415

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