Monday, January 10, 2022

1- Mariza A: Inside Out Voices

JOY- Maribel from Encanto

Maribel is a character that I feel like embodies joy and kindness in a down-to-earth, authentic way. She is a bit clumsy and awkward, yet when it comes to being expressive she is graceful in her voice and beautifully passionate to strive for her goal which is to create her own miracle. I feel that sometimes I can be the same way because in person I am very awkward, clumsy and stumble over my words, however when it comes to my passions and things that excite me I also feel like I can be graceful the same way she is. On another note, she is enthusiastic in bringing joy to others, expressing herself in a happy-quirky way no matter what others think, and she helps others around her without effort. Another beautiful aspect of hers that I admire and also resonate with is that she is patient, but not content; she searches for her own miracle. Even when her family forces a wall between her and them, or when she is doubted by her town, she deals with these things realistically by expressing her pain about them. Yet, she makes the most of what she has by continuing to be hopeful and optimistic,  and striving for changing her fate and progress. Because Joy is meant to be the powerhouse of all the emotions, I feel like Maribel would be the best pick for me.  

SADNESS- Peter Parker from MCU Series 

For sadness, I  chose Peter Parker because I feel that the way he processes sadness and growth is similar to how I do it.  He’s been challenged to grow up and brace himself for the adult world regardless if he is ready or not. While he is usually an enthusiastic, positive character he also has a limit to how much he can handle. During the times where he feels lost and sad he quietly breaks down which often reminds those around him that even though he’s trying his best to grow up, he is still a child. The way he portrays sadness is in a very gentle and authentic way.   

FEAR- Olaf from Frozen and Marlin from Finding Nemo

I chose Olaf in the sense that while he is often a very simple-minded, happy character, when he gets anxious it usually happens in moments he doesn’t need to be. He often stresses about silly things, such as not feeling his feet in front of him (even though they weren’t his feet). Marlin is the type to fixate on his fears and create anxiety for himself which is something I do quite often. Despite all that, when it comes to the people he loves, he will do anything for them including fighting through his fears and worries. I also try my best to do the same as him, so I think that if there was someone inside my head who steered the Fear emotions it would also be him. I think Olaf would chaotic be partners with Marlin in my Fear emotions because when you put both of them together they would fixate on silly things, which is exactly what I do. 

ANGER- Schmidt from New Girl

Schmidt has an awkward, funny way of displaying anger. He is very meticulous and whenever something disrupts his energy and flow throughout the day he easily becomes aggravated. While he’s much more expressive than I am, deep down I can get just as angry as he does at the littlest things. I also found it kind of funny that I process my anger somewhat in the same way he does. He likes to hold grudges for a moment before instantly turning around and becoming happy again.

DISGUST- Gwen Stacy from The Amazing Spider Man

Part of the Emotions’ duties are not just to be expressive but also to protect their person. Disgust would be someone who is strong, and uses her stubbornness to fuel her person's ambition and guide them down the right path.  I chose Gwen Stacy because she represents someone who is strong and capable of standing her ground and being her own person.



  1. Hi Mari! I really like the characters you picked to express your emotions. What stood out to me the most was your choice for Olaf for fear. Knowing you I think this character was a perfect option. You are both extremely happy, and kind-hearted people, that do tend to stress out, but you both always find a solution to make things better!

  2. Hi Mari! It was hard to choose a character to focus on because I feel like all the characters you chose fit you perfectly! As someone who is currently rewatching New Girl, I can definitely agree with your use of Schmidt for anger. His sudden outbursts and extremely expressive nature make him a perfect person to play anger. The way you described his anger showed me that I also see aspects of his character in myself!

  3. Hi Mari! I really loved how you connected each character back to yourself almost seamlessly, you had a great flow from introducing your characters before bringing it back to yourself. I can also very much see Olaf being fear and really liked how you added the line where he says he can't find his feet, I myself feel like Olaf when I get scared and can say cheesy stuff like that as well. Great job!


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

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