Monday, January 10, 2022

1- Janessa H: Inside Out Voices


JOY= Sponge Bob Square Pants

When I think of the tiny emotion in my head representing joy my mind instantly thinks of SpongeBob. SpongeBob has nothing but pure joy and laughter inside his body, he tries to please everybody around him even if it doesn't benefit him. He has problems saying no to people's requests because he wants to spread nothing but love and support. That's where me and him have something in common, I try to please everyone around me. Sometimes I forget to put myself first and that I too deserve that same love and support. SpongeBob rarely asks for help because to him he is the problem solver and he doesn't see the harm of continuously putting a smile on everyone's face even the ones who probably don't deserve it, he sees the good in everyone and is never negative. 

SADNESS= Zendaya (Rue)

Zendaya plays a character in the TV show Euphoria as Rue, a teenage girl struggling with addiction and judgement. When Rue overdosed she never got to find herself after that, she had to go to highschool and face crude words from her peers just to come home and face disappointment from her mom. In one scene she's walking in an alleyway with her hood on and an emotionless face, she just wanted to be understood and that is the saddest feeling of all. Rue is the sadness in my head because when I feel at my lowest I shut down and close the world around me out, I don't care what's going on around me and I feel lost. Rue felt the same way when she felt she was no more than a pill bottle and that others also viewed her the same way. 

FEAR= Marlin

The best way to compare my fear to an emotion in my head is by comparing it to Marlin from Finding Nemo. Marlin is always worried about Nemo and the dangers out there for him, he never wants to leave Nemos side. When Marlin is with his son he continuously looks around checking their surroundings so he can keep Nemo safe at all times. When Marlin isn't with Nemo the fear in his head grates beyond imagine. Marlins fear comes from trauma though he lost his wife and the rest of their eggs to a barracuda, Marlin never wants to feel this type of pain again so he does everything in his power to protect what he has left. I always worry about the ones I love because I couldn't imagine a world without them and I’ve experienced that pain of having to be in a world without them. Fear is protecting in the instance of Nemo and Marlin, Marlin just doesn't want to lose anything else and live with the feeling that he could have done something. 


The big green guy Hulk definitely represents my anger. When Hulk gets mad he cannot control the outcome for his actions he's about to take. He is also terrible at controlling his anger and once he starts his rampage there's no going back. After Hulk does calm down and realises what he did he instantly feels regret and he sees the terror he created he wants to go back and change the outcome, he distances himself from people when he is Hulk to not hurt the ones he loved. When I get angry I distance myself after I’ve already caused damage because I regret it and want to go back to change the outcome. 


Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy is a strong leader and ultimately over powers the ones in her way. Disgust to me doesn't always mean finding something disgusting or unappealing, it's giving that attitude to the ones who need to hear it. Gamora doesn't take crap from anyone, especially the ones who think less of her, she loves to speak up and be heard. Gamora is the voice in my head that tells me to be that strong leader and to talk back when needed and give those disgusting people in my life a piece of my mind.

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