Monday, January 31, 2022

5- Khaleah A: Salty Tears


“The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea.” This was a quotes by Isak Dinesen.  What this quote means to me is that anything can be accomplished through hard work. Theres an emotional connection that can make things hard and makes you want to cry.  Along with the hard work there is a pay off of a vacation or reward. For the hard work as an accomplishment. However the author was born in 1885. Which lead me to think her quote had completely different definition or initial message.

Isak Dinesen also known as Kareh Blixen was a danish author who wrote in danish and english. She was best known out of Africa. She was alive during the time where health studies werent common because they didnt have the proper equpiment.  In 1941 2 months after her wedding we was diagnosed with syphilis in the second stage that she contracted from her husband.

 She was from the Victornian era and salt water was an effective cure for illnesses. It would be used for spa theary and seabathing was a snake oil remmedy. Which could of been a reference.

She also grew up in a patricial household where she was the daughter of an army officer. She along with her 4 other siblings grew up on a seashore in Rungstead Denmark. Where she often enjoyed watching the sea. Which could of lead to a reference of peace or as a therapeutic release. 

What I learned from this quote is messages with time tend to change the initive meaning to relate to present times.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Khaleah,
    I never knew anything about this author and I was interested in hearing about her story. I think I remember hearing "Out of Africa" once in my life but I never knew anything beyond that. Her quote makes a lot more sense when you realize that she used salt water to treat her illnesses and that she grew up on the Danish coast. I thought that it was interesting that salt water was used during the Victorian era for treatment.
    Good post!


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