Tuesday, April 26, 2022

15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

 As screens take our daily lives , they also take our resting nights. The daily scroll through social media and endless tiktoks that make us stay up past 1. All take up the resting we need.

When waking up for school in the morning it’s hard. Puffy eyes , messy hair and the comfort of our beds. It all contribute to us still wanting to stay in that exact same spot , but we all have to be by school in the early morning to get our daily education.

This immediately ruins anyones mood the thought of going to school early with little to no rest. We start with negative thoughts and whines of all the work we are going to receive. One may think it’s just the thought of school and time spent that ruins our mood , but in reality it’s the time we take away at night.

When being restless all of our energy is gone for the next day. As it keeps us from thinking clearly , having stronger emotions and at times little to no patience.

I’ve definitely felt those symptoms at many times , as I stay up with the blue screen of my phone. It’s understandable as to why I wake up with no energy , but it’s time to put importance of the resting nights to not lash out at others.


  1. Excellent points made in this blog! I am definitely familiar with the feeling of losing sleep, because my phone (at the moment) is more important. I also regret that decision to stay up late the next morning. Sleep is definitely one of the main factors to our moods. Not enough and we are moody, and still enough and we are never fully satisfied. Anyways, nice job!

  2. Hi Ashley,

    I find a lot of trouble falling to sleep due to all the technology we use in our lives, but for me at least, I find several other obstacles to sleeping besides just technology. Especially during the summer time, for instance, it gets very hot in my room and I cannot sleep properly because of it. It is always annoying too since I can increase the air conditioning but my grandma does not allow me because of the electrical bill.


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

  As screens take our daily lives , they also take our resting nights. The daily scroll through social media and endless tiktoks that make u...