Friday, January 14, 2022

2- Yara M: I am From


I am From

I am from disappointments, confusion, happiness, and conflicts . 

I am from having a simple life to being overly complicated. I am from being teased by family members and being called “La llorona” because of how much I used to cry . 

I am from spending quality time with my mom at least once a week, eating icecream and watching dumb shows on tv .

 I am from restless nights but also happy days.

 I am from playing all day in the dirt and coming home to my mom telling me to go take a bath all the time.  

I am from being the youngest in the family and having 2 older brothers that are way older than me which resulted in me always wanting a sister.

I am from binge reading in the 6th grade all the Percy Jackson books without a care in the world .

 I am from hot sunny days with bloody noses and popsicle stick juice dripping from my hand. 

I am from getting tres leches cake every single time on my birthday, loving the moistness and sweetness of the cake with Christmas just around the corner, everyone thinking I always got extra presents when in reality I didn't .

I am from cleaning the house every Sunday morning and dreading it every time knowing it was coming, getting ready for the day right after and going to church . As I grew up things changed .

I am from my mom being my biggest hero, always being there for all of my accomplishments and always pushing me to be the best version of myself . 

I am from making a lot of mistakes as I was growing up but learning from them and maturing into the person I am today.

Word Count: 290 



  1. Hi Yara,
    Your poem flows very well. A line that stood out to me was “popsicle stick juice dripping from my hand.” This is descriptive and it's relatable. It reminded me of when the kids in my neighborhood would pick one house to raid for icecream and popsicles. Great job!

  2. Hi Yara,

    I enjoyed your poem and I felt that I could relate to it well. I especially relate to getting bloody noses a lot---I hate them and get them fairly often. I also like the introduction to your poem in the first stanza---I feel like it sets the mood for the entire poem very nicely. I am an only child so I don't know what it feels like to have older siblings, but I've never wanted to have another brohter.

  3. Hi Yara! Your poem was honestly amazing your first paragraph was very powerful and left me wanting to read more. I really liked how you showed the readers an insight of your life and how growing up affected you and your mental health. overall, it was a well written and put together poem.


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