Wednesday, January 19, 2022

3- Yara M: Passing Period At WCW

 Blog #3 Idling Away Time 

Passing period is that short amount of time, typically around 5 minutes, that you have to use the bathroom if needed, say hello to your friends and then quickly get to your next class . I'm going to focus on passing period after the quarantine but also contrast the differences between before and after the quarantine . The first thing I typically see is students immediately taking off their masks. Speaking from personal experience, it does become a little hard to breathe sometimes and it takes some time getting used to wearing a mask for a longer period of time. Therefore it is understandable that students would take off their mask to get some fresh air during this time. Before quarantine you wouldn't usually see this as people weren’t typically wearing masks. People only started wearing masks as a result of Covid 19. Although thinking back to how things used to be before quarantine it is still so weird seeing everyone walk around with a mask on. You instantly hear a lot of noise especially in closed spaces like S wing and A wing where the voices tend to jump off the walls making things louder than what they would appear to be . It is as if you were to walk into a party and it instantaneously becomes so loud that you can’t hear yourself think- so loud that you have to put your music on blast to hear it. Normally, you see people rushing to class, you occasionally catch another student tripping and then see them trying to play it off in hopes that no one sees to avoid embarrassment. It has happened to me multiple times which is utterly embarrassing. I see people laughing and conversating with other students or casually just walking with their headphones in . From my own experience at times it felt overwhelming- the feeling of having to get to class from the other side of campus and it would make matters worse when the people in front of you would walk slowly. Passing period is scandalous and loud but not the worst thing in the world . There are some differences between before and after quarantine but in a way not that much has changed. 

Word Count: 368


  1. I completely agree with this entire post! I think because of the masks it is way more harder to hear the people around you, and so especially being in the s/a halls, it feels so much louder. I also really enjoyed how not only you pointed out these differences of passing period after quarantine, but also how you explained how this new version of passing period has made you feel. I have in many instances felt the same way.I never noticed as well until now how many students not only are talking and engaging with each other, but also how many others walk idly by themselves with their headphones in! I happen to relate to both of these type of students, because sometimes I'll find a friend to walk with, but other times it's nice to walk by myself with my own music to listen to. Anyways great post, and thanks for pointing out the subtle yet impactful changes quarantine has put on our passing periods!

  2. Hi Yara,

    I feel the same way about passing period in most respects. I wouldn't say that passing period is overwhelming in my opinion, but it is annoying when I bump into students who don't look in front of them. Many of them seem like they don't care. I never go to the bathroom during passing period (and I'm glad that I don't), nor do I talk to my friends. I just like to get to class before the bell rings so that I can prepare myself for that period. I also see many students during passing period take off their masks---I think it's interesting, although I rarely take off my mask at school.

  3. Hii Yara! I totally understand what you mean when you describe passing period as “overwhelming.” Walking in passing period often reminds me of driving through rush hour traffic. The absolute chaos that both situations bring, except one of them you’re able to avoid by choosing specific times to drive around whereas the other you just have to endure and hope for the best.


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