Wednesday, January 26, 2022

4-Nigel R: How Your Phone can Lead to Being Rude

Lets face it, we’re all on our phones way too much. We’re on them an average of 5 hours a day and some people are on them as much as 10 hours a day. As this use of cell phones has become a major part of our lives, we need to realize that there are times where it’s rude to use your phone. Sometimes when we are with other people we just need to keep the phone away. For example, if you are on a date it can be incredibly rude to use a phone while you’re there. You should give the other person your full attention so that they don’t feel like they’re not interesting enough or that you don’t think they’re more important than your phone. Another example is if you are at a funeral. You should be giving all of your attention to the service and show respect to the person that passed. If you’re on your phone it shows that you think it’s more important and you’re disrespecting the person that passed. Using your phone in situations like these can make you look rude, insensitive, and many other things. We need to know when it’s the right time to use our phones so that you don’t appear this way. When speaking to people they appreciate your full attention and you checking your phone may feel like a slap in the face. We need to give our phones a lesser role in our life and become more immersed into the real world so that we don’t have to worry about being rude in these situations.

        Word count: 268


  1. Hi Nigel, I agree. The amount of time we spend on our phones is enormous, and it makes sense that some of that time will spill into important events or situations. It's good to establish a limit or balance phone use in order to be respectful around other people. Like you mentioned, its important to stay in the moment and not have to worry about being potentially disrespectful. Good job!

  2. Hi Nigel! You made a great take about how being on our phones can lead to very rude and uncomfortable situations. Especially since the 21st century has become much more technological, almost everyone has a cell phone at this point. It is interesting how an action like being on phones leaves so many implications and expressions towards the people you’re with.


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