Thursday, January 20, 2022

2 - Raymond L: I Am From Poem

 I am From the Titans, the Vikings, and fierce Wildcats

I am from Friday night lights to Saturday morning celebrations

Team dinners, long practices, and hot summer days

I am from the teachers that taught me, the coaches that pushed me

The teammates that picked me up

And friends that believed in me 

I am from homeschool, to military school, to highschool

Doing school work from home, to wearing uniforms that no one liked

To a highschool with a whole different experience

I am from one family to another family

Learning with both, pushing to succeed

I am from long hospital visits late at night

X-rays, to casts, to rehab, and long days not being able to walk

I am from broken bones, to healing wounds

Watching my team from the sideline, feeling sad 

Thinking if football is meant for me

I am from playing football, to playing basketball, back to playing football

Everyday is another adventure, going to and from practice

Going from home, to school, to practice, all to earn a victory at night

I am from late night, tough, cold football games

I am from pitch black nights at the ER

I am from learning and competing with the guy next to me

I am from fun games and team dinners

Word count: 214

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raymond! Your poem was really good along with how you basically showed that football is your life and showed the highs of it, but you also showed the lows with the injuries and hospital stays. I can relate to this because when I have to sit out of a cheer competition due to injury it really hurts causse all you want to do is pursue what you love. Overall, I enjoyed reading it!


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