Wednesday, January 19, 2022

2 - Khaleah A: I am from

 I am from...  

I am from the bay area where theres home and love everywhere you turn.

 The hug after  being home, after a long hard day at work.

I am from my Nana's kitchen where we eat dinner after Sunday service. 

The kitchen  where I helped my nana make cakes for the rest of the family.

I am from hard work and determination.

I am from a safe home where no one feels alone.

I am from my granny’s back yard, where I would play with my cousins until my granny called.

I am from the mixing pot where many delicious meals were made.

I am from the calming beaches of Alameda.

I am from the crash of the waves on a friday evening.

I am from my old elementary school where I made lifelong friends.

I am now from the hills of Vacaville where the grass grows high.

I am from a nice dip in the pool on a hot day in july.

I am from the rim of the basketball hoop that's out in front house.

I am from the memory foam and comfy pillows of my room.

I am from the annoying meow’s of my cat reno he makes at 6am.

I am from organization and independent work.

I am from a family reunion.

I am from a cool afternoon at the park.

I am from my moms long lectures about my future.

I am from a home cooked meal by my mom:

I am from a mother who loves to travel.

I am from get up and go Road Trips.

I am from a crazy imagination

1 comment:

  1. Hi Khaleah,

    I liked how you compared your childhood home of Alameda to Vacaville. I've lived in Vacaville since I was born and Alameda sounds like a much more interesting place to live in than Vacaville. The descriptions of seeing your family sound really soothing and I like how you described the setting of the places where you lived.


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