Monday, January 31, 2022

5 - Janessa Huntoon: My Musical Mind

 My musical mind

Music to me holds more value in my mind than it may to other people. Music has always been a safe place for me to go turn my back on reality and ultimately anything else I'm struggling with. Whether it's going outside on my trampoline and letting my mind float in the lyrics or blasting music in my car with friends having the time of our lives, both bring me so much happiness. 

Sometimes when I want to relate to someone, but I don't want to actually have a conversation with another person I listen to music and the lyrics and see that artist is also relating to what I'm feeling or have already gone through it, it helps me feel a little less alone in this world. When I'm listening to music with friends and we are dancing and laughing making unforgettable memories, those are the type of nights we let the music do the talking and we just enjoy the moment we are in without a care in the world. 

When I put my air pods in on a long drive, I like to play the music and stare off into the sky or the road and let my mind run free. I like how music can give you a sense of self and it can teach you what you really like and what gets you in a good mood and what gives you creative freedom. Music can start and end your day on a good note and get you feeling like you can take on the world.


  1. Hey Janessa!
    I couldn't agree with you more! Music has such an impact on my life as-well and its always something I can turn too as a stress relief. I love how theres so many different genres that reach out to different audiences. Another thing I appreciate is for however your feeling an artist has a song that you are able to relate too that can express exactly how you feel for you.

  2. Hi Janessa!
    You perfectly described how I feel about music. I liked how you mentioned that music can bring you happiness in different ways, depending on your situation. I can totally relate to the feeling of putting my AirPods in and letting myself forget about everything in the world except for the music I'm listening to. This post was really well written and I really enjoyed it!


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