Monday, January 10, 2022

1-Nigel R: Inside Out Voices

 TW - Inside Out

Link for Reference:

JOY- Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender

When thinking of joy I think of characters that are constantly happy. I felt I had to choose  Aang for joy because even though he has all of the stress of being Avatar and bringing down the Fire Nation he always finds a way to be happy and positive. He always finds ways to have fun even when he is in danger. The first time we see him he starts sledding on penguins right after coming out of an iceberg. His constant optimism and happiness is why I chose him for joy.

SADNESS-Scarlet Witch from Marvel

I chose Scarlet Witch for sadness because her character is very sad.  In the span of 4 movies and 1 show, she lost her brother, husband, and kids. When I think of her I think of grief. She is a character that dealt with lots of grief,  sadness, and tragedy which  is why I chose her for sadness. 

FEAR-Courage the Cowardly dog

I chose Courage because one of his main character traits is being cowardly. Every time we see him he gets frightened of something and freaks out. He is also constantly shaking and in constant fear. When he gets scared by something he jumps in the hair and his hair extends like he got electrocuted. Courage is who I think of when I think of fear.

ANGER- Tory from Cobra Kai

I chose Tory because she is a character that is full of anger. Her character has a lot of things going on at home that fuel this anger. When she fights in karate, she uses her anger and takes it out on her opponent leading her to seriously injuring some opponents. This constant rage and anger is why I chose her for anger.

DISGUST-Stanley from The Office

I chose Stanley because he is always disgusted by the acts of people around him. Every time someone around him does something he reacts with disappointment. At Least once an episode Stanley rolls his eyes when he sees a coworker do something around him. For me, Stanley is the perfect example of the emotion of disgust because his expressions portray it so well. 

Word Count 365


  1. Hi Nigel,

    I enjoyed reading this post. Aang makes a lot of sense for being the voice of happiness in my opinion---although I never really thought of it until now. I liked that you chose Scarlet Witch for your voice of sadness, too---I think that her character is an interesting depiction of grief and how death affects our lives. Nice post!

  2. Hi Nigel! Your emotions really match your characters, and I can see why you would pick each one. Scarlett Witch is a really good one she has been through so much pain and is now trying to cope with it which is a bunch of variations of sadness put together. Good work!


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