Friday, January 14, 2022

2 - Ethan R: I Am From

Where am I from?

 I am From the runway,

From the roar of the Kc10, 

To the grace of the giant c5,

I am from the heartbreak of deployment,

To beloved patriotic homecomings,

I am from integrity first, service before self, and an excellence in all we do(the air forces little motto)

I am from the New York skyline from our windows,

To the bumper to bumper traffic trying to get onto the turnpike,

I am from endless leftovers to greasy street food,

From taylor ham bagel sandwiches to homemade Puerto Rican classics(I love me some arroz con dulles, empanadas and pernil) 

I am from late night stories with swearing uncles,

To praying the rosaries with my grandma for everyone to be safe

I am from 3 am fishing trips with lots of black coffee

Long weekends hiking exploring and archey

I am from long car rides with boring destinations

To even longer airplane rides from state to state 

I am from calm days on the beach to screaming my head off on Kingda Ka

I am from daily fights with my sister to Thursday night movie nights with pops

I am from latin music with mom trying to teach me bachata

To heavy rock backroad drives with Em

I am from the skyscrapers with loud traffic and even louder people,

I am From sending our nation's air fleets down the runway to who knows where,

I am from quality  time with my family who might implode with any wrong word,

I am from the good, the bad, and just a little bit of ugly for Uncle Julio.


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