Monday, January 24, 2022

4-Preston K Practice

 Track Practice

Practice. A word that either brings you joy and happiness or a word that brings nothing but dread and disgust. For many athletes practice is a time you get to go out and enjoy playing a game with your friends but I'll tell you what, nor track and field. When I hear practice, I instantly think no. Why should i go, I don't have to nor am I required to but time after time after time I show up. Track practice is the definition of Love and hate relationship. When at practice I hear the sound of spikes digging into the ground as I'm watching the world move around me. I hear the footsteps of my teammates and rivals being one in the same. I hear my heart pounding to the same beat as my feet hitting the ground over and over again. After running and giving a sting effort on a run you would think you get time to pause and catch yourself so you're ready for round 2,3,4 and maybe even 4 but no. I run for under a minute trying not to die and am rewarded with the sweet sweet victory of 2 minutes rest and back at it again. Many would say only a minute of running you'll be fine. It's not that bad but the only response i have to say is go run a full lap under a minute and get back to me. Funny enough people come back to me after a couple of weeks and tell me it's harder than they thought. But after the end of practice, I find myself proud. Proud that I endured the closest thing to hell leaving me with the love of track and field, but u tell you what when I wake up tomorrow and have to do it all again I will go straight back to hate. Then we shall see if my love lasts.

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