Thursday, January 20, 2022

3 - Janessa H: Swingin into life

Swingin into life

I personally believe I am the swings and not the slide for the simple fact that the slide stops at the end, but the swings keep going until you yourself are ready to get off. Like me I choose to keep going until an outside force stops me or if I'm just ready to get out of a situation in general. 

The slide is a straight shot down to the ground maybe with some twists and turns throughout it but it still has an ending and then that is where you choose to either do it all again or try something different. The swings are an ongoing loop in your control much like my life. I've been repeating the same processes lately almost like a loop for my day-to-day life. 

Although there is a loop, I'm still able to change it, stop it and rewind it, your hands on the silver chains are essentially your grip on your life and whether you decide to pump your legs or stop your feet on the bark is a decision completely up to you. I don't want a straight stop or dead end. I want a life I can control and have a sense of power over. 

The swings in general are also extremely fun, you can get a sense of flight almost, the wind in your hair, and always trying to go higher and higher to where you try and touch the sky. Given both reasons of a sense of control and the simpler fact that the swings are still a fun park attraction this is why I believe I'm more like the swings than the slide.

 Word Count: 278

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! I have always loved swings ever since I was in elementary school. I think the feeling you get from swinging back and forth is exhilarating and exciting! I would never have imagined to really compare swings to slides, but I’m glad you did. I completely agree with everything you said about swings being more fun, because you can sort of stop whenever, whereas with slides you know you’re going to hit the stop point soon. I also thought it was really interesting the symbolism/sort of analogy you put on the slides and our life. I never thought of it that way and how swings are our ongoing control in our life. I really enjoyed reading this, and the excellent insight you brought!


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