Monday, January 10, 2022

1- Ashley M: Inside Out voices

 JOY: Rapunzel 

For Joy mine is Rapunzel from the Disney film Tangled. The princess is known right from the beginning that she finds happiness in any situation she is put in. While she is at home bored with her friend Pascal , has a stranger in her closet that she hit with a frying pan , finding friends in a restaurant that is very misleading or running away from her “mother”. She always finds a positive outlook that seems as if it didn’t have any. In most of the film we see her more joyous than anything else. The princess is known for her charismatic joy that comes with her. In which is why I chose her to be my joy , I always try to find the positive side to things. Not always trying to focus on the bad emotions if not on the good ones. 


My sadness would be Luisa from Disney's film , Encanto. From the start of the movie we know her to be the oldest sibling with the magical ability of strength. So everyone finds her to be the strongest in the family whether that's physical or emotional. Until her sister finally talks to her , in which she spills all of her true emotions in her song, “Under the Surface”. Where in fact she reveals all of the pressure, expectations and work she gets due to her ability. It’s where she can finally break down after carrying so much weight on her shoulders. I relate to it a lot due to me trying to carry my emotions , I don't show when I’m sad. I mostly carry it around until I find my breaking point by the end of the day. The reason I put Luisa as my sadness , she never expressed these emotions until someone asked her , not seeking attention or going to someone.

FEAR: Bruno

My fear would be Bruno from Disney’s film Encanto. Although we don’t see him as often as we do with the other characters in the film , I found to see him as my fear in the sections we did get to see him. As when the main character finally finds him he starts running away not wanting to be found , knocking on wood / crossing his fingers and not stepping on cracks hoping nothing bad will happen. I find him to always be internally scared or worried about everything bad that could happen , trying to avoid it as much as possible. Being the reason he’s my fear , I want to avoid everything bad that will happen. Not wanting to face it , yet knowing I have to at some point. Like him I relate to wanting to run away from everything and not wanting to solve it or seeing what could happen next.

ANGER: Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire known for the Sami Raimi Spider-man films is my anger. In the film when he finds out who killed his uncle he internalizes that anger with him. Not wanting to let it go , even when his aunt tells him that it’s best to get over it.  He carries that anger with him , making it his goal to catch the murderer until he gets his revenge, in which he does. Not only do I connect with anger presented in the films he has been in , but also the anger he gets from crowds of paparazzi. Frustrated with the people that don’t ever leave him alone until he lashes out on them. I connect with both internalizing my anger and easily lashing out on people. It’s easy for me to get angry to the point where I lash out and stay angry for the rest of my day.

DISGUST: Stanley 

Stanley from the well known series The Office is my disgust. When we see him in the episodes we can tell how easily he is over with everyone's shenanigans by rolling his eyes multiple times , making a disturbed face , leaving the room , or talking back so no one can mess with him. Easily over with everyone and the job.I would say he’s my disgust as I could easily be over things in a second and just want to leave to not deal with anyone or anything.


  1. Hey Ashley! I love your choice of Tobey Maguire for anger! I think it’s really smart how you were able to connect this choice to him in real life, along with the character he plays. I think a lot of people look past the angry side of Tobey’s Peter Parker and choose to just see him as the first “friendly neighborhood spider-man,” so your choice was very creative and thought out.

  2. This blog post was something I never knew I needed to read till now! I really enjoyed the inside out writing assignment, and so when thinking about who I would put as my emotions I chose very carefully, however after reading yours I completely regret not having some of these as mine! For instance your joy being Rapunzel. I love the movie Tangled, and I love how you pointed out how positive of a character Rapunzel is. Not just with Rapunzel, but with every person/character you chose, you connected them to how they display yourself too, which I really enjoyed. I haven’t seen the film Encanto yet, however I felt like I didn’t need to, after you perfectly explained Luisa as your sadness and why. I felt like we all at times tend to be Luisa hiding our emotions until someone asks. Anyways I really enjoyed reading this post, well done!


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

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