Wednesday, January 19, 2022

3 - Ethan R - Tiktok is taking over our education

  Tiktok is taking over our education

In our new technological era, it seems like nobody has time to study the traditional way, or even study at all. My generation especially has made it blatantly obvious that our phones are one of the biggest distractions and priorities in our lives. Recently I have found myself falling down this rabbit hole when it comes to studying. I know I have to study and get prepared for whatever upcoming test, but the TikTok and social media vortex just sucks you in.  But this problem doesn't just stop at me, every single person in this technology suffocating era has chosen to get their immediate pleasure and watch an extra episode of their tv show or scrolled through TikTok when they know they should be preparing and getting their future self ready for success. It is not all our fault though these technology companies are inputting it more and more to hit the pleasure center in our brain and give us all the instant gratification we want. 

Studying through is super important, especially in our young lives as we traverse through the confusing labyrinth of high school. We all love our phones because it gives us gratification but studying is just rehearsing boring concepts that confuse and irritate you. So we give up when it gets hard and crawl back to our precious phones, but then when the test rolls around we are lost and crying that the subject is too hard and the world against you when you didn't suck it up and just get your studying over with. The world of studying is boring and hard, but if we just endure it for a little bit it will help you light-years beyond anything TikTok can grant you.

Words 288


  1. Hi Ethan! I agree with everything you said in this post. You are completely right about the fact that we are living in a "technology suffocating era." I liked how you pointed out that you know you have to study and prepare for your future, but you can't actually get yourself to put your phone down and do it. I can totally relate to this, I had to force myself to stop scrolling through my For You page in order to write these comments. You made a lot of strong and relatable points!

  2. Hey Ethan! I love your take on this new technological era that the 21 century has developed into. It’s very eye-opening. These habits that media outlets like Tiktok have induced are so subtle but so potentially detrimental. And I agree with you that they are very apparent in today's society so they must be talked about. :/ The very first step in overcoming any habit of course, whether it be on the societal aspect or personal aspect, is by bringing attention to it! Your post has introduced that first step, so I hope that others will take your advice and role with it!


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