Monday, January 31, 2022

5- Samantha A: Kurt Cobain's Comeback Concert

            Generation Exit | The New Yorker

                It’s not everyday, you get the opportunity to think of a departed artist you would see live, and then write about. When reading this prompt, I knew exactly who I would choose and why. If I were to see any departed artist live, I think it would be Kurt Cobain.

Cobain is the front singer for the band Nirvana, and although the rest of the band is still alive and well, it would be surreal to see them all come together and do one final show that people my age could see and enjoy. Nirvana is known to be one of the biggest rock/grunge bands of the 90s, and so if Cobain were still here to do another show, not only would it grab the attention of adults, who were teens in the 90s (pretty much our parents), but also teens today as well. I see on social media, a lot more teens today have an appreciation for rock music, and mainly Nirvana in general. 

Cobain just has this edge to him, not only in his voice, but also his persona. He is extremely authentic and true when it comes to his lyrics (even if they don’t make sense), and he never fails to put on a memorable show. I feel like seeing him in concert today would be truly exhilarating and cathartic, because his music isn’t exactly the upbeat pop songs you hear on the radio, but more of the “I wanna scream my lungs out, and smash something” type of music. If I were to be at one of the band's shows I would certainly be jumping up and down from excitement and singing along the whole time. 

Although most of the band's music is unique and very fast paced, the band, and Cobain in general have their fair share of sadder/more mellow songs. Take for example “Pennyroyal Tea”, or “Something in the Way.” These songs are more chill, and so If I were at a concert of his, I would also enjoy that time to unwind and feel the music on a more intimate level. Also if Cobain were still here, I know he would probably do another amazing cover, like he did with “The Man Who Sold the World.” Because of this I feel seeing Cobain live would be my #1 choice of a departed artist to see live in concert. 

Word count: 397 


  1. Hi Samantha!
    Ive heard of the band Nirvana before but I never listened to one of their songs. I see other people around our school wearing the bands merch. I just might have to take a look into their music. What song would you recommend me to start off with?

    1. Hi Khaleah! I definitely would give "Heart-Shaped Box" or "Lithium" a try. Both great songs (:

  2. Samantha i have never been a huge fan of nervana but your passion towards it really makes me wanna listen to it especially with Curt Cobain as the lead singer. I could really see your yearn to watch him again and passion towards the music, great job Sammantha


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