Friday, January 14, 2022

2- Ashley M :I am From

I am From the red cabernet sauvignon

From a family who has a history with the red , velvety , wine

I am From the stale dubble bubble gum 

As My Grandma Miriam taps me on the shoulder to tell me 

“ Go Get 6 Bags of Dubble Bubble’ always increasing the number , as she got older

I am From Fritangas and Nacatamales

Food that fills any area with their mouth watering aroma and that many don’t know of

I am From boxed cakes 

As I loved baking , yet always found a way to mess it up

I am From the upbeat , rhythmic , music that always played too loud

From the drums of the cumbias all the way to the soothing guitars of Mariachis

From “Nunca es Suficiente” dancing to the Horrible and out of tune singing of my dad on karaoke nights

Where he would love to sing his heart out to “Luz de Luna”

I am From parties that would last up to 4am with all the parents dancing in their own ways

 and the kids waiting on the couch for their parents to be done

I am From “ When are we going to leave” to the “give me a couple more minutes”

As my parents loved reliving their old times

I am From Messy Hair and eye bags

I am From sleepless nights as I rather be on the blue screen of my phone

I am From numerous sketchbooks that have half finished ideas to paint being all over my clothes

I am From makeup being scattered all over my room

From the glittery highlighters , dirty brushes , floral perfume , and random trinkets being all over 

I am From empty gray walls I yet to cover with memories

And from the reflection of myself I yet to discover

I am From waking up at 4am in the morning to now not being able to get up for school

From my elementary school accomplishments to the AP classes of highschool

I am From the friends I grew up with to new ones I’ve grown close to

As we have dumb converstaions that lead to the not being able to breathe type of laughs during lunch

From the not being able to understand a new language yet understanding y=mx+b so easily

I am From wanting to be out of school yet never leaving

As I grow and become a new person everyday



  1. Hey Ashley! Reading your poem also sparked a lot of memories of my family and the late-night parties. It also made me reflect on how far I came with my educational journey as well. I love how your poem was mainly family-oriented. Great work!

  2. Hi Ashely,
    I like how you separated each stanza by topic and how it becomes more recent at the end of the poem. A line that stood out to me was “I am From sleepless nights as I rather be on the blue screen of my phone” I like the descriptive language and I find it relatable. Our generation has had a much different childhood and teenage experience with the introduction of smartphones, for better or for worse.


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

  As screens take our daily lives , they also take our resting nights. The daily scroll through social media and endless tiktoks that make u...