Wednesday, January 26, 2022

4 - Raymond L: Practice means Growing

There is a lot of pain that goes into becoming better at something. Practice is that pain. If you want to get better at a sport, let's say Football, it takes 5 days a week of practice, many workout sessions to get stronger, and film study. WHILE, trying to balance out your school and real life at the same time. Everything you do at first you will never be good at, unless you are just good at everything which I doubt. But even walking it took practice, falling every time you tried to walk, resorting to crawling and giving up. All the pain trying to perfect something, just for someone to be better than you at what you worked so hard for. People say practice makes perfect, but really, practice means growing, getting better, there is no such thing as being perfect at what you are practicing for. When you seriously are trying to get into a sport that you want to become one of the best at, your whole schedule is practice, or workouts, or even rehab days. You would have no time for nothing, constantly running out of breath, constantly sweating, constantly asking yourself 'Why?' you think to yourself every single day "why am i doing this'' or "what am I trying to achieve." Overall practice is about growing, pain, and just realizing that you aren't going to become the greatest at what you do, just have fun. Practice is what makes you, you. You get better everyday and you may not think it, and may not see it, but others will see it and notice how much you are improving. Practice means Growing. 

Word Count:277

1 comment:

  1. Hey Raymond,

    I really enjoyed this post because I can agree with it a lot. I feel like I receive the most practice from school. We sometimes believe that school is a place where we acquire useless skills about arithmetic or atomic structures, but I think that schools teach these subjects as a parallel to what we should practice for in the real world. When we gain our professions and determine our dreams, we learn how to practice from school to continue pursuing our dreams.


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