Monday, January 31, 2022

5- Preston K Memory of music


Music, just a generic word, has a little depth to it, could mean hip-hop, Rap, Slow old school, or the jazzy new school.

Everyone who hears the word music thinks of it differently. Some think of Taylor Swift, while others think of J Cole wrapping true lyrical masterpieces, but me, I think of memories. Music is played and creates a memory for me to always remember.

First ever time i got my car i remember playing ongoing things on repeat all day and i connect it to my car. Playing that song nowadays whenever I hear the beat and sound I think of my excitement walking out of my house looking at what would become a project and expression of who I am.

Music also connects me back to my childhood. The old blues and songs my grandpa would play out on the beach and the docs of susin as we laughed and talked about the future. My grandpa always played what I liked to call it old people music but i'll tell you what it grows on you over time. I find myself listening to his music more and more now just to relax or reminisce on past life and how much it has changed. 

Growing older the word music resonates differently than when I was young. When I was young the word music was annoying to me. Only reason I say annoying was because I only heard one type of music and it was gospel. The constant same beat over and over and over just made me feel numb. I always would fight my mom to not go to church just to avoid the music but sure enough I always had to. Now that I'm older I still hate gospel music. It annoys me very much. 

Even though i'm annoyed by gospeles repadative beat i can listen to a song i love on repeat, For hours. I once played a song 3 days over and over just because i loved the beat. I still do this for new songs. 

The best part about music though is when your listening to a song with your closest friends and going crazy enjoying the time and memories you know your making Making music not just music But a Memeory.

5 - Janessa Huntoon: My Musical Mind

 My musical mind

Music to me holds more value in my mind than it may to other people. Music has always been a safe place for me to go turn my back on reality and ultimately anything else I'm struggling with. Whether it's going outside on my trampoline and letting my mind float in the lyrics or blasting music in my car with friends having the time of our lives, both bring me so much happiness. 

Sometimes when I want to relate to someone, but I don't want to actually have a conversation with another person I listen to music and the lyrics and see that artist is also relating to what I'm feeling or have already gone through it, it helps me feel a little less alone in this world. When I'm listening to music with friends and we are dancing and laughing making unforgettable memories, those are the type of nights we let the music do the talking and we just enjoy the moment we are in without a care in the world. 

When I put my air pods in on a long drive, I like to play the music and stare off into the sky or the road and let my mind run free. I like how music can give you a sense of self and it can teach you what you really like and what gets you in a good mood and what gives you creative freedom. Music can start and end your day on a good note and get you feeling like you can take on the world.

5- Jenna K: The Show Must Go On

Freddie Mercury was a legend. The way he was able to influence and unite crowds of thousands of people all at once is something so rare and so incredible. Years after his death, millions of people around the world still listen to Queen on a daily basis. Their music is so impactful that just a few notes on the piano can lead anyone into singing every single word to Bohemian Rhapsody for six minutes straight. Although Brian May and Roger Taylor continue to maintain the band, along with their new lead singer Adam Lambert, it cannot be argued that Freddie Mercury was the heart and soul of Queen, and it would be an honor to see him perform one last time. Freddie Mercury tragically died thirteen years before I was born, so I never had the privilege of seeing him perform live. Now, more than three decades after his death, I still find myself searching up videos of his performances on Youtube. My favorite one is Queen’s 1985 LIVE AID concert, because Mercury’s stage presence is unlike any other artist I have ever seen before. His passion and love for performing can be felt through the screen, and his audience’s reaction to him is enough to show that his performances were truly enchanting. It’s amazing how Queen’s music has been able to live on through all these years with the help of their new lead singer and the dedication of the original band members. Freddie Mercury’s creations will undoubtedly continue to live on through his former bandmates and his loyal fans for years to come, but I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to see him sing his songs in real life, instead of through a video frozen in time. Word Count: 293

5- Khaleah A: Salty Tears


“The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea.” This was a quotes by Isak Dinesen.  What this quote means to me is that anything can be accomplished through hard work. Theres an emotional connection that can make things hard and makes you want to cry.  Along with the hard work there is a pay off of a vacation or reward. For the hard work as an accomplishment. However the author was born in 1885. Which lead me to think her quote had completely different definition or initial message.

Isak Dinesen also known as Kareh Blixen was a danish author who wrote in danish and english. She was best known out of Africa. She was alive during the time where health studies werent common because they didnt have the proper equpiment.  In 1941 2 months after her wedding we was diagnosed with syphilis in the second stage that she contracted from her husband.

 She was from the Victornian era and salt water was an effective cure for illnesses. It would be used for spa theary and seabathing was a snake oil remmedy. Which could of been a reference.

She also grew up in a patricial household where she was the daughter of an army officer. She along with her 4 other siblings grew up on a seashore in Rungstead Denmark. Where she often enjoyed watching the sea. Which could of lead to a reference of peace or as a therapeutic release. 

What I learned from this quote is messages with time tend to change the initive meaning to relate to present times.

5- Samantha A: Kurt Cobain's Comeback Concert

            Generation Exit | The New Yorker

                It’s not everyday, you get the opportunity to think of a departed artist you would see live, and then write about. When reading this prompt, I knew exactly who I would choose and why. If I were to see any departed artist live, I think it would be Kurt Cobain.

Cobain is the front singer for the band Nirvana, and although the rest of the band is still alive and well, it would be surreal to see them all come together and do one final show that people my age could see and enjoy. Nirvana is known to be one of the biggest rock/grunge bands of the 90s, and so if Cobain were still here to do another show, not only would it grab the attention of adults, who were teens in the 90s (pretty much our parents), but also teens today as well. I see on social media, a lot more teens today have an appreciation for rock music, and mainly Nirvana in general. 

Cobain just has this edge to him, not only in his voice, but also his persona. He is extremely authentic and true when it comes to his lyrics (even if they don’t make sense), and he never fails to put on a memorable show. I feel like seeing him in concert today would be truly exhilarating and cathartic, because his music isn’t exactly the upbeat pop songs you hear on the radio, but more of the “I wanna scream my lungs out, and smash something” type of music. If I were to be at one of the band's shows I would certainly be jumping up and down from excitement and singing along the whole time. 

Although most of the band's music is unique and very fast paced, the band, and Cobain in general have their fair share of sadder/more mellow songs. Take for example “Pennyroyal Tea”, or “Something in the Way.” These songs are more chill, and so If I were at a concert of his, I would also enjoy that time to unwind and feel the music on a more intimate level. Also if Cobain were still here, I know he would probably do another amazing cover, like he did with “The Man Who Sold the World.” Because of this I feel seeing Cobain live would be my #1 choice of a departed artist to see live in concert. 

Word count: 397 

5- Yara A: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

 Blog #5-  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 

Personally, I love wearing shoes, the variety is just endless. There are so many different color-ways, brands & shapes. Shoes as well with clothing can be a great way to express yourself. 

 In “The wildly complex anatomy of a sneaker” a Ted Talk emphasizes on the effects sneakers have on people and the world. They state that shoe manufacturing is accountable for ⅕ of the fashion industry carbons emissions and how sneaker consumption is at an all time high right now. 

Factories have to meet this unprecedented demand and produce over 23 million shoes a year, this creates dangerous working conditions for factory workers. The main message of this Ted Talk is to shine light on the ongoing problem of sneaker consumption and what we can do to stop it.

 The United States buys more sneakers than any other country, each person buys about 3 pairs of shoes each year. Some more than others. The Ted Talk ultimately promotes the simple solution of reusing shoes until they are not wearable anymore, reducing the amount of shoes being bought, therefore not buying an unnecessary amount of shoes that are not needed. This could necessarily be the hardest part since it has become the norm to buy shoes that are not needed simply for one's pleasure. Lastly, they recommend recycling. Make it a continuous cycle and donate your shoes even if you don’t find them pretty or useful, someone else could use them. It takes about 1,000 years for shoes to degrade. They encourage designers to use more eco-friendly materials like organic cotton, wool and hemp as well as many more that will cut shoe degrading time. 

I found this Ted Talk extremely enlightening because you never really think about the process of shoe manufacturing nor what happens after you discard a shoe. It is very opening and can help raise awareness as well as create a change. We should all think more about our environment and do our part to help stop sneaker consumption. 

Word Count: 333

4 - Janessa H: The practice of a competitive cheerleader

The practice of a competitive cheerleader

When I think of the word “practice” my mind automatically jumps to the sport I love most, cheerleading. All my days of competitive cheer I've learned practice is essential to having a successful hard working team. We leave our blood sweat and tears on that blue 9 panel mat most of us consider a 2nd home. 

We hear our coaches say we earn our first place in that gym with nothing but a few fans and then we retrieve them at our huge competitions. Practice is a place we are told to leave our drama outside that big black door before you enter and as soon as you pass that white wall separating the athletes lounge from that 9 panel mat you give your 110% and forget about the stress you were once enduring. 

When we start our full outs tumblings going, jumps are flying, we are dancing and throwing people as high as we can being lifted by my teammates encouraging words throughout the entire routine. We hear “Keep pushing.” “Almost there.” “You got this.” We scream those words at each other for that 2 minutes and 30 seconds aspiring to get that hit and to add another golden star to that white cardstock poster titled full outs in black and orange letters. 

We want all of our practice to pay off, all of our twisted ankles, sprained wrists, aching backs to mean something at the end of the day. Then after practice we pass that big white wall again back into that athletes lounge then out that big black door either discouraged or empowered.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

4 - Raymond L: Practice means Growing

There is a lot of pain that goes into becoming better at something. Practice is that pain. If you want to get better at a sport, let's say Football, it takes 5 days a week of practice, many workout sessions to get stronger, and film study. WHILE, trying to balance out your school and real life at the same time. Everything you do at first you will never be good at, unless you are just good at everything which I doubt. But even walking it took practice, falling every time you tried to walk, resorting to crawling and giving up. All the pain trying to perfect something, just for someone to be better than you at what you worked so hard for. People say practice makes perfect, but really, practice means growing, getting better, there is no such thing as being perfect at what you are practicing for. When you seriously are trying to get into a sport that you want to become one of the best at, your whole schedule is practice, or workouts, or even rehab days. You would have no time for nothing, constantly running out of breath, constantly sweating, constantly asking yourself 'Why?' you think to yourself every single day "why am i doing this'' or "what am I trying to achieve." Overall practice is about growing, pain, and just realizing that you aren't going to become the greatest at what you do, just have fun. Practice is what makes you, you. You get better everyday and you may not think it, and may not see it, but others will see it and notice how much you are improving. Practice means Growing. 

Word Count:277

3 - Raymond L: Breaking through the Glass


Glasses changed my life for the better, but they also really messed me up. Ever since I was little I was never able to see anything, I would squint at the TV that was right in front of me and I would run into people and things not being able to see them. My parents saw all these things and decided it was time to get me glasses.

As a kid I already looked terrible, I buzz cut my hair every time it would get too long, I wasn’t the most athletic, and I was a serious nerd. The glasses added to the fact that I looked disgusting, making me look more like a nerd, less athletic, and overall uglier. 

I would be made fun of for wearing glasses and being called a nerd, and every time I took my glasses off you could see the outline of them from how much I wore them. When I did take them off people would make comments about my outline and call me raccoon boy. That was when I realized I needed to change. 

I had gotten into sports, I got contacts and started to grow out my hair. With time I started to look better than my nerdy self. I broke through what was holding me back in my life, the glasses. I rarely wear them outside, contacts have changed my life. I am able to see without having to find my glasses every morning, and I am more confident than I am with those nasty glasses that ruined me as a little kid.

As I grow up everyday, I realize that I was able to break through the wall of glass that made me who I am today. 

Word count: 288

4-Nigel R: How Your Phone can Lead to Being Rude

Lets face it, we’re all on our phones way too much. We’re on them an average of 5 hours a day and some people are on them as much as 10 hours a day. As this use of cell phones has become a major part of our lives, we need to realize that there are times where it’s rude to use your phone. Sometimes when we are with other people we just need to keep the phone away. For example, if you are on a date it can be incredibly rude to use a phone while you’re there. You should give the other person your full attention so that they don’t feel like they’re not interesting enough or that you don’t think they’re more important than your phone. Another example is if you are at a funeral. You should be giving all of your attention to the service and show respect to the person that passed. If you’re on your phone it shows that you think it’s more important and you’re disrespecting the person that passed. Using your phone in situations like these can make you look rude, insensitive, and many other things. We need to know when it’s the right time to use our phones so that you don’t appear this way. When speaking to people they appreciate your full attention and you checking your phone may feel like a slap in the face. We need to give our phones a lesser role in our life and become more immersed into the real world so that we don’t have to worry about being rude in these situations.

        Word count: 268

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

4 - Ethan R - Service above Self

            In the past few years I’ve been really trying to toy with the idea of being selfless, what does it mean, how can I embrace it, and so I've been trying to do everything to really embrace this lesson. So I fond school leadership, and ever since it's taught me to give service above self. 

School leadership I thought was just gonna give me a shinny looking slot holder for my college resume but as I expanded on it in high school leadership, I'm in love with the concept, and it's helped me see my passions. It helped me see how i was made to help people, no matter the cost, to listen, to save, to heal. It is taken me to places like shelter homes giving out backpacks to the poor with our pack it up campaign, to working first hand helping kids with our WCW listens to project and being face to face being a shoulder to cry on for the kids who need it. 

I have spent hundreds of hours at the school in my own free time just trying to make a difference. I have risen through the ranks from an incoming learning freshman, to being the next in line to be ASB president and being ASBs youngest mom and, it's terrifying. Next year all of my selfless work and time ive devoted to this school will be put to the test when students, faculty, and teachers will be depending on me and ill have my own whole class to look over on top of being a student. I look to my mentor Rope and just wonder how he juggles it all or if ill is half as good as a leader. But it all takes hard work, dedication, and persistence even when the road feels like it is closing. 

Word count  303

4 - Diego B: Seeing Life Through A New Lens

Glasses are strange. I don’t hate to wear them or anything, but, and especially during the pandemic, they’ve always felt strange on my skin. I don’t know whether it’s the occasional bump I feel on my nose every fifteen seconds in public or the dampness I see after I take a long walk, but it always feels strange walking around in them. I received my first pair of glasses in the seventh grade because I was always in the very back of the classroom and I couldn’t see the whiteboard. With my glasses, at least I can read labels afar in the classroom or on the aisles in the store, which I always needed to walk to, only for me to walk away again because the label was not what I wanted. It’s safe to say that I can see the whiteboard better now, but I don’t know if my face feels any better now. Walking with glasses is especially obnoxious in my opinion, in large part attributed to my mask, an issue that I am certain every wearer of glasses experiences. In the winter, in particular, I can actually see better without my glasses sometimes than with them because of how damp my vision is while they are worn. Looking through damp glasses is like looking through a window on a rainy day adjacent to a homely fireplace, except that the fireplace has engulfed nearly my entire house in flames and smoke because the breath from my mouth is so warm. I don’t hate wearing glasses, though, and at least I can see my surroundings better, even if my mouth feels as hot as a furnace sometimes. I mean, at least I’m not wearing contact lenses. (287 words)

4- Katrina Smith: THE GRIND MUST STOP: The fine line between healthy progress and hustle culture

 THE GRIND MUST STOP: The fine line between healthy progress and hustle culture 

“We do not have the right to sit and feel hopeless. There is too much work to be done.” - Dorothy Day. Dorothy most likely meant for people to progress and move forward rather than moping yet this can be  interpreted in an unhealthy way. “Too much work to be done” may refer to reaching progress and success in one's personal life, but could also mean their work life. 

Over the past few years, ‘hustle’ culture has been on the rise. The idea of working as hard as you can to reach your best potential (and make a lot of money) is the framework for this mindset. There is nothing wrong with working hard and making some sacrifices for your job, but hustle culture takes this to a whole other level. 

Hustle culture and the grindset mindset promotes unhealthy levels of stress. Stress can be good in some situations but extended periods of stress releases the cortisol hormone, and this prolonged stress can have detrimental effects on one's physical and mental well being. Most often associated with anxiety, depression, heart disease, memory impairments, and more.

Besides negatively affecting one's body, hustle culture instills the capitalistic  idea that the only value people have is their productivity capability and how much work they get done. People should be valued for their humanity and not how much they get done at their 9-5. 

I know i’ve mentioned how this culture encourages people to work tirelessly, but the work they are doing isn't always for someone else. Hustle culture promotes starting your own business and being self employed. Some may find it inspiring to one day work for themselves, but posts about reaching “success” from people who follow this mindset often shame people who work for others or in an office setting. 

Ultimately hustle culture may have been founded on working hard for your dreams, but what it's become in recent years is something that should not be celebrated. Working till the brink of failure or to the point where your body begins to shut down is counterproductive. Some people like working in an office and don't want to be self-employed either. This shows how success is truly subjective and you can put your own meaning to anything. 

Word count: 373

Monday, January 24, 2022

4-Preston K Practice

 Track Practice

Practice. A word that either brings you joy and happiness or a word that brings nothing but dread and disgust. For many athletes practice is a time you get to go out and enjoy playing a game with your friends but I'll tell you what, nor track and field. When I hear practice, I instantly think no. Why should i go, I don't have to nor am I required to but time after time after time I show up. Track practice is the definition of Love and hate relationship. When at practice I hear the sound of spikes digging into the ground as I'm watching the world move around me. I hear the footsteps of my teammates and rivals being one in the same. I hear my heart pounding to the same beat as my feet hitting the ground over and over again. After running and giving a sting effort on a run you would think you get time to pause and catch yourself so you're ready for round 2,3,4 and maybe even 4 but no. I run for under a minute trying not to die and am rewarded with the sweet sweet victory of 2 minutes rest and back at it again. Many would say only a minute of running you'll be fine. It's not that bad but the only response i have to say is go run a full lap under a minute and get back to me. Funny enough people come back to me after a couple of weeks and tell me it's harder than they thought. But after the end of practice, I find myself proud. Proud that I endured the closest thing to hell leaving me with the love of track and field, but u tell you what when I wake up tomorrow and have to do it all again I will go straight back to hate. Then we shall see if my love lasts.

4- Khaleah A: How being a military brat has lead me to re-adjust

The question that stood out to me for this week's blog was, ' Am I more like the same old, same old, or a change in pace.’

At first I was leaning toward the same old same old. I do consider myself to be introverted which often prevents me from taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. As I really thought about it, I came to the realization that at times I can be extremely indecisive and often like to change my mind. Growing up with a parent being in the military we were often moving or things were constantly changing. 

Growing up I would say I had more of an exciting childhood due to being affected by and even tagging along on my mom’s military stations,  job promotions, or social circumstances. Growing up as a military “brat” it's the lifestyle that you just learn to grow with. As I was younger I would always change my favorite color. You wouldn't catch me liking the same color for a week. I also loved changing my hair styles, which I still love doing today. Trying out different activities, such as volleyball, karate, soccer, tennis, basketball, and cheer, were always things I enjoyed doing. I also tend to get bored with the same things constantly so I like to change up my nail colors and try different styles. 

Therefore I'm more like a change in pace compared to the same old same old. It's more interesting that way.

Word count 251

4- Jenna K: The World Beyond the Screen

It’s time to face the truth, we are all addicted to our phones. I, as a seventeen year old girl, am the best person to tell you that fact. We are constantly texting, snapping, or spending hours on end scrolling through TikTok. And it’s not just teenagers, adults and young children are generally just as attached. We’ve even adopted the term “iPad kids” for children who get addicted to these devices before they learn their ABC’s. It has become the new norm for everyone to constantly be on their phones, but there are certain moments in our day to day lives where it is still unacceptable to be distracted and fully immersed in our devices. For as long as I can remember, my family has maintained the “no phones at the dinner table” rule. This applies if we are eating at our own home, someone else’s home, and especially restaurants. I have always believed in this rule, because in my opinion, it is extremely rude to be sitting around a table and staring at your phone when you should be interacting with those around you. The dinner table is not the only place where phones do not belong. Would you want someone texting away at your wedding or sending snaps at your grandma’s funeral? It is simply disrespectful. Although it has become a socially acceptable activity, constant phone use should still be discouraged in certain situations. We cannot allow ourselves to be consumed by our phones and forget to be present and attentive in the world around us. Word Count: 258

4- Samantha Amado: "They Both Die at the End"- Mateo Torrez Analysis They Both Die at the End: 9780062457806: Silvera, Adam: Books

In the book “They Both Die at the End,” Author Adam Silvera creates a devastating alternate world, with extremely compassionate and driven characters. The book is about two teen boys who both know they are dying at the end of the day, and decide to spend their last day together. One of the characters I’m focusing on is Mateo Torrez, who is one of the main characters that spends his “end day” with friend/love interest Rufus Emeterio. 

From the start of the book it is evidently clear that Mateo is an introvert and suffers from a sort of social anxiety, as he only stays in his apartment, and has two friends, one of them being his father. As the book progresses we see him emerge out of his comfort zone, courtesy of Rufus who pushes him to new limits. I think Mateo is an exceptional character to write about, because we see exactly the type of confidence that can take years to build up, only built up into one day. 

I think the concept of this book as a whole is extremely fascinating, because only in a setting like this (when you know you’re going to die), does this push Mateo to be this new version of himself. Even in the beginning of the book, Mateo talks about how he regrets all the time he spent indoors, and he recollects on all the opportunities he missed out on.

Some things we see from Mateo, is that he is extremely kind and shows humility towards everyone. In the book he ends up taking $2000 out of his account and gives his friend $400 of it, and also gives a homeless man money as well. These small acts of kindness are things that Mateo is naturally prone to do, but just hasn’t because of his social anxiety. Another thing we see Mateo do, is become more social. He ends up meeting Rufus through an app, and was nervous to leave his house to meet him, but he did. 

Rufus is the exact opposite of Mateo. He’s outgoing and sort of rebellious. He pushes Mateo to ride his bike with him, play a silly playground game, and go to a party for deckers (people who are also dying the same day). Because of Rufus, this pushes Mateo to sing Karaoke with him, and later kiss him after they perform the song. Mateo is a great character, because he is extremely kind, and charitable. Once given the opportunity he can emerge out of his comfort zone to show a new version of himself that he definitely doesn’t regret. 

4- Yara A: Descriptive Piece about Practice

 Blog #4- The art of repeating something 

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the prompt about practice was soccer. Although, I am taking a break from playing this year due to the fact I am working while also going to school and I felt like playing a sport would simply just add more stress to my plate. I felt like this could be something I could elaborate perfectly on.

 In the practice of soccer, things I would constantly hear everyday between teammates or coaches were motivational words. Whether it was when you were doing a drill or trying to learn a new skill, you would almost never hear negativity from your teammates or coaches. It is always “you got this” and “don’t give up” as well as “keep pushing”. I always heard things that motivate you to do better and find the energy to keep trying even in difficult moments.

 When i say “keep pushing” my mind instantly goes to running, during practice we would have to run suicides or laps around the stadium and i just remember the feeling of exhaustion, your legs feeling like literal jello after doing multiple drills, trying to steady your breathing and feeling your heart pumping but having to keep pushing through it.  An example of something I would always see on the field is leadership. During games you may be put in difficult situations that make you have to rise up and be the bigger person. Whether it was someone purposely pushing you or insulting you on the field you had to rise up and do better. 

Practicing soccer felt like a breath of fresh air, for me when I practiced and played soccer all the troubles in the world faded away . In those moments nothing else mattered or crossed my mind. It was me just simply focusing on the tasks given to me whether it was learning a new drill or having to defend the ball during a game. The feeling is merely indescribable.That is why practicing soccer to me is so important because not only does it benefit me in a great way and makes me feel absolutely amazing but it teaches me skills i have not acquired before, it taught me patience as well as leadership. 

Word Count: 375

Thursday, January 20, 2022

3- Samantha A: Why Writing Handwritten Letters show Thoughtfulness and not Unmindfulness:

 In Today’s day in age you see everyone everywhere with some sort of device in their hands, whether it’s a phone, tablet, electronic watch, etc. However these devices weren’t always around. If we wanted to send a heartfelt text to that one person or call them, then we can with just one quick type or dial, but what about a few decades back? Many people would send their loved ones handwritten notes, and although it’s not the go to way of communication today, I feel like handwritten letters/cards hold an outstanding amount of significance still, and are always sentimental to receive. Whether it’s your friend's birthday, or your anniversary, writing a handwritten note to someone is something that they will hold onto forever, whether that’s physically or emotionally. Personally, I like to hold onto the cards/notes I receive from a person, because that is one more memory I can associate them with. Also writing these notes/cards are still important today, because you can receive the sweetest most sincere text ever, but it can easily be left behind, and hard to find when you continue texting that person more and more. Holding onto these physical notes can make your relationship with this person even stronger than before, and in addition if you are one to receive notes/cards, you will then be more likely to start sending them back to that same person, and eventually more people in your life. Sometimes in this world, it’s extremely easy to get wrapped up in your phone, and so when you write a handwritten letter to a person, it also shows that you took the literal time and effort out of your day, to sit down and write this note for them, and they’ll see that and appreciate that. Not only is sending a text easier, some people can avoid sending a handwritten note/card for many more reasons, some being that they have to pay more money to buy the stamps, envelope, etc, and also that their handwriting may not be the best. Although these can be factors to consider, it shouldn’t scare you out of doing the thoughtful thing for a person you care deeply about. But again the fact that you are making this attempt to give this person a letter, where you can genuinely share your thoughts and feelings about them, is something that the other person will recognize and never forget. Through writing letters/cards you are showing this person your purest intention, and you should never be hesitant about that. 

Cute handwritten letters | Pen pal letters, Handwritten letters, Envelope  art

3 - Janessa H: Swingin into life

Swingin into life

I personally believe I am the swings and not the slide for the simple fact that the slide stops at the end, but the swings keep going until you yourself are ready to get off. Like me I choose to keep going until an outside force stops me or if I'm just ready to get out of a situation in general. 

The slide is a straight shot down to the ground maybe with some twists and turns throughout it but it still has an ending and then that is where you choose to either do it all again or try something different. The swings are an ongoing loop in your control much like my life. I've been repeating the same processes lately almost like a loop for my day-to-day life. 

Although there is a loop, I'm still able to change it, stop it and rewind it, your hands on the silver chains are essentially your grip on your life and whether you decide to pump your legs or stop your feet on the bark is a decision completely up to you. I don't want a straight stop or dead end. I want a life I can control and have a sense of power over. 

The swings in general are also extremely fun, you can get a sense of flight almost, the wind in your hair, and always trying to go higher and higher to where you try and touch the sky. Given both reasons of a sense of control and the simpler fact that the swings are still a fun park attraction this is why I believe I'm more like the swings than the slide.

 Word Count: 278

2 - Raymond L: I Am From Poem

 I am From the Titans, the Vikings, and fierce Wildcats

I am from Friday night lights to Saturday morning celebrations

Team dinners, long practices, and hot summer days

I am from the teachers that taught me, the coaches that pushed me

The teammates that picked me up

And friends that believed in me 

I am from homeschool, to military school, to highschool

Doing school work from home, to wearing uniforms that no one liked

To a highschool with a whole different experience

I am from one family to another family

Learning with both, pushing to succeed

I am from long hospital visits late at night

X-rays, to casts, to rehab, and long days not being able to walk

I am from broken bones, to healing wounds

Watching my team from the sideline, feeling sad 

Thinking if football is meant for me

I am from playing football, to playing basketball, back to playing football

Everyday is another adventure, going to and from practice

Going from home, to school, to practice, all to earn a victory at night

I am from late night, tough, cold football games

I am from pitch black nights at the ER

I am from learning and competing with the guy next to me

I am from fun games and team dinners

Word count: 214

2- Samantha A: I am From

             I am from the never ending worries of life

             to the spontaneous day trips to the city. 

I am from the boisterous family at the Mary's pizza shack table 

To the quiet behaved family sitting in the pews of church. 

I am from having a room filled with books and clothes all to myself,

To sharing those same books and clothes with my sister 

Having to walk in the pouring rain to a friends house,

To walk that same path alone on my own. 

I am from the Science fair Participant ribbons,

 and the ¨Good Effort¨ awards at school. 

Walking to school with my brother and sister 

To driving myself to highschool. 

I am from dressing up for 

the Hoot and Howl School Events

And being told ¨You´re gonna be late if you don't hurry up and get your costume on.¨ 

And Those chilly 2012 school days and remembering 

What it was like practicing my handwriting with dad.

I am from all those family traditions, 

New and old, including 

Doing secret santa gift exchange with the cousins 

To hosting the annual Amado family thanksgivings

I am from having to wait for uncle at the train station 

To enjoy those thanksgivings with him

All the way to reserving a spot to watch the 

Fireworks in town every 4th of July. 

I am from tearing my ACL at third base to 

Pitching my first JV game.

I am from having to quarantine for a year 

And not knowing what would happen,

To later losing 45 pounds in that same quarantine 

I am from the determination of others 

And the strength of my own 

I am from my family tree that 

I love so dearly and 

I am from all those crazy memories that

I spend every year with the people that matter most. 


1 - Raymond L: Inside Out Voices


JOY - Maui 

Maui, played by The Rock in Moana, is a very Joyful person who helped Moana cheer up in the movie. Moana decided to go into the ocean by herself and ended up on Maui’s island. Maui is a demigod who basically is the hero of the whole movie, but also needed the help of Moana along his Journey to save her island and every other island. Maui never seemed like the guy who would turn on Moana and always was by her side, Maui reminds that happiness is all you really need in life. 

SADNESS - Eeyore

When I think of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, I always look at him as a character of sadness or depression. The whole group in Winnie the Pooh all represent certain mental health problems. Eeyore, my favorite character, represents depression. He reminds me that it doesn’t matter how sad you are, there is always something that will always make you happy. 

FEAR - Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson)

Roman from Fast and Furious was a character that was super scared doing all of the stuff that everyone did in all of the movies. Going from fighting with cops, going to jail, and racing, he was the most scared out of all the other characters in the movie. At one point he and The Rock had an interaction and Roman was scared of The Rock after he said a few words to him. Roman represents a character of fear that doesn’t like to get into much danger. 

ANGER - Squidward 

Squidward is a very angry character, he doesn’t like anybody in the show Spongebob and he really is just a mean character overall. Spongebob does everything he can to try to cheer up Squidward, but he doesn’t like it and finds Spongebob and Patrick super annoying. Everyday Squidward has to go to work at the Krusty Krab and has an attitude of getting orders from every customer that comes into the restaurant. Squidward just represents an angry person that doesn’t like to talk to anybody. 

DISGUST - Samuel L. Jackson

In the movie Kingsman Samuel L. Jackson was absolutely disgusted at one point because there was a point where lots of people had died randomly and just exploded all over the place and it got on him at one point too. This scene showed Jackson’s facial expressions which meant disgust and just seeing everyone’s body parts flying everywhere was super nasty.

Word Count: 404 of 415

15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

  As screens take our daily lives , they also take our resting nights. The daily scroll through social media and endless tiktoks that make u...