Wednesday, March 30, 2022

12 - Janessa H: Cool as the waves or hot as the sand

 Cool as the waves or as hot as the sand

I absolutely love the beach. I love the sand between your toes, the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, the picnics where your sandwiches probably actually include some sand, but when it comes to me you have to see the layers beneath it all. 

You need to feel the hot sand as you  run as fast as you can to get off of it. Feel my anger, my head turning red and me pushing the ones near away as they leave me to cool off. You go back on that sand, the moons out it's cold there is now nothing used to heat the sand up it feels soothing and calming on your feet, you see me calm and relaxed, nothing there left to make me angry.

You see those crashing waves onto the shore you choose to run from or dive right into. You pick whether you can deal with me and my baggage, the trauma and pain and you choose to stay and figure me out or you choose to run away because it's all too much. 

Me and the beach have a lot in common if you look at it the right way. I love having a good time, feeling free and making memories. One of my favorite places to do that is the beach.

 I can be the cool waves or the hot sand. It's honestly up to what life decides to throw at me and how I choose to let those things affect me. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post! It was so unique, the way you described your feelings and compared them to the elements of the beach. I never thought of the beach this way, but I really enjoyed it and reading this perspective. I love the beach as well, and can find it an amazing place to find serenity and peace.


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