Tuesday, March 29, 2022

12 - Diego B: How Experiences Change Us

Experiences are the catalysts of development. Experiences have changed me as well as everybody else in society. Value experiences for what they are, and value them for what they give you. Without experiences, we would gain nothing from this world, and nothing to base ourselves off of. They shape our character as much as they shape our perception of the world around us. Everybody experiences different memories, whether it originates naturally or by our desires. Everybody experiences something different in their lives, and everybody experiences the world in a different way. I am confident in saying that we have great difficulty in reverting back to our past. During high school, for example, we begin to experience great difficulty in reliving the joy and optimism which we experienced when we were children. We long for these kinds of experiences because they recall a simpler period when the world was not as complicated and perilous as the world is currently. In short, we sacrifice our dreams and memories for the innocence and optimism of childhood. It is somewhat ironic, indeed, considering that many of the dreams which we conceived during childhood are the very catalysts which destroy them when we begin to grow up. This should not deter us from pursuing our careers and maturing, however. Our optimism and joy are as important as developing our talents and maturing and experiencing the surrounding world. So, my suggestion, therefore, is to attempt to balance both traits simultaneously. You do not want to be more like one than the other. Try to pursue your dreams, but value your optimism. Do not forget your dreams, but never forget where they came from.


  1. Hey Diego! I found your blog extremely relatable. I feel as if practice makes perfect. They make us wiser with our decision-making. I also agree with optimism and joy being in the process of developing talents, it takes dedication as well.

  2. Great post Diego, experiences are what shape us into who we are and the main learning blocks for us to learnand adapt from. Our experiences go by so fast and i love how you simply phrased how we long for those experiences oonce more. Great post.


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