Sunday, March 13, 2022

10- How I relate to Cats

 Cats. They’re cute, cuddly, and even a little chaotic at times. Most of the time though they're lazy. This is exactly why I see myself more like a cat, in a sense that I keep to myself and like my own space, and this can cause me to even be a little lazy. As a person that owns two cats, I’m also just in general a cat person rather than a dog person. I’ve never owned a  dog, but the times that I’ve dog sat, it’s been so much work. Cats are so low maintenance, to the point where you hardly have to worry about them. I would like to think of myself as very low maintenance, as I only really need food, and clothes to make me satisfied. I usually tend to depend on myself, much like a cat does. A cat depends on their instincts and their instincts only. I depend on myself to get me places, feed myself, and prioritize things like school or chores. 

Cats and dogs also have extremely different personalities. Dogs can be seen as the extroverts of the world, as they like to go on walks, stick their heads out the car window, and bark loudly. Cats are more introverted. They like to stay inside, sleep, and purr. I am definitely an introvert, and I have been my whole life. I like to stay in my own personal bubble and really am only comfortable and “loud” when I’m with the people I spend my time with. 

Cats also can have a temper as well, which is something I am guilty of having as well. If you mess with a cat's tail, they will usually scratch or bite you. I know when I mess with my cat too much, he’ll get like this, and start to form a temper. Although I won’t physically take my temper out this way, I can tend to become very annoyed at times and shut myself out from people. Sometimes my words shoot to kill when I’m mad, and so I consider myself similarly with a cat’s personality as well in this aspect. 

Word Count: 354


  1. Hi Samantha,
    I have always considered myself a cat person too, but my family were always obsessed with dogs so we never had one in our household. I have always related to cats more than I have to dogs since cats are more introverted and I have always been more introverted than extroverted. I always imagined owning a dog is like raising a child, and that owning a cat is like having a roommate.

  2. Hi Samantha! I’ve always been much more of a cat person. I live with 3 cats, and I believe that many of our habits, characteristics, or even energy come from both the people and animals that we live with. After reading your post, I feel like I relate to cats' characteristics better than I do dogs.


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