Monday, March 14, 2022

10:Khaleah A -What's Bravery?


Bravery comes in different forms and is highly personal. Each individual has certain things that it takes mental preparation of courage to conquer. Bravery is the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger or difficulty.

When  I think of a representative of bravery I think of Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman rose from childhood by brutal abuse from slaveholders to emancipate herself.  She escaped slavery while risking everything. She risked her life multiple times to liberate others. She was a great leader and warrior because she wasn't afraid to help. She was an active and determined freedom fighter in US history. 

Bravery, sternness, and coordination are required. Harriet’s code name was Moses and slaves would use songs to secretly notify each other that her arrival will be soon. 

Harriet was also a spy of the Union Army and helped plan military operations that freed over 700 American slaves. She is considered a hero of the Second American Revolution. She showed perseverance through having passion and determination in her fight for freedom.

Overall a lesson I've learned from her is you can’t sit and hope and wait for a miracle to happen. You need to be the leader and put your intention or dream into action.  Positive results are worked for and takes effort. With specific planning and coordination it lead her to be the first woman to lead combat assault, and on her travels, to free slaves, she never lost one.

“I shall fight for my liberty” -Harriet Tubman

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