Monday, March 21, 2022

11- Samantha A: Autumn Leaves on my Mind

Out of the 4 seasons we have, you’d think it’d be difficult to choose a favorite. Each season comes with its own perks and pleasures, however my favorite season happens to be Fall. As a person who adores sweaters, fall time is that time I can finally start to wear my sweaters and other long sleeves. For some reason I feel more comfortable covering up and so with Fall arriving I feel like it’s a perfect time to express my fashion and wardrobe. I also love the color palette fall brings. The browns, and beige, with also the subtle hints of maroon and orange give me the pure sense of joy and bliss. I also love to look out the window and see the leaves fall up on the ground and pile up. 

Fall time is also that time when you start to transition from the end of summer heat and boredom to the beginning of the cold and excitement. I’m not the biggest fan of heat, so when it starts to get cold and foggy, I like to bundle up. 

The weather is obviously the true factor why I love the fall time, but also because two of the BEST holidays happen to revolve around it. This is Halloween and Thanksgiving of course. Halloween is so much fun obviously because you get to dress up and eat candy, and Thanksgiving is just a holiday to get together and eat. I think the fact that these two holidays are in the fall time, just makes me have an appreciation for the season even more. Whether or not Fall is your favorite time of the year, I think it deserves some recognition for its greatness.

Word count: 284 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samantha,

    I would agree that autumn is my favorite season. I have always liked autumn since I believe that it is the most picturesque time of the year and also since its the beginning of the weather becoming cold, and I have always considered myself more of a cold person than a hot person. I like winter too, but I always found it a little too cold and desolate for my liking. I am not a hot person so summer and spring do not appeal to me as much, especially the latter since my allergies are in full swing during that time of year.


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