Monday, March 14, 2022

10- Mariza A. Do You Remember Your Lunch Lady?

    Jerrett J. Krosoczka initially began his series of the Lunch Lady Superhero back in 2009, with his very first publication of a kids novel named “Lunch Lady and  The Cyborg Substitute.” A story that depicts an Elementary School lunch lady as a worker by day, and superhero by night. In the years following, he received an immense amount of positive feedback and began to notice a shift in the way elementary school culture portrayed school Lunch Ladies. 

    His idea of creating a book encouraging kids to appreciate and be kind to their lunch ladies cultivated a revolution of ideas in elementary school culture. Teachers would give their students interactive projects dedicated to lunch ladies. Schoolwide lessons or book reading sessions would be held all about Krosoczka's Lunch Lady books. Community projects, city projects, every place began to shift in a more positive aspect with his books. Many of these projects were initiated with the intention of encouraging students to be grateful of their school lunch ladies. 

    But the most important part to all of this was the safe and happy environment it made for the lunch ladies. Many of these lunch ladies reached out to him to inform him of the shift in interactions they received after the release of his books. Seeing how most of his reactions were so positive, Jarrett began what his current mission is today: to create a special day of appreciation for lunch ladies.  

    Do you remember how most of your elementary days were ruled out? Or even better how your lunch experiences were? You might not remember much since it was so long ago, but I’m sure you may have some particular instances in your mind. I definitely remember some of mine, and what most of them have in common is that they were learning experiences. This is just a personal observation, but I believe that up until your 5th grade, every moment experienced in elementary school was a learning experience.

     So what does this have to do with books and lunch ladies? Well, books are fundamental, they are one of the easiest ways for a student to learn, and that's exactly what Jerret J. Krosoczka built upon. Children are always the most impressionable and easy to teach especially when they’re in their number one learning environment AKA their classroom. So If you teach them good things, like gratitude and kindness in all aspects they’ll almost always jump on board.



  1. Hey Mariza! This book sounds pretty interesting. Ive never heard of this book, my favorite type of book growing up was Junnie B Jones, or Dork Diaries. I do think that Lunch Ladies or Custodians are hero's. They work to provide students with proper nutritious meals daily. I do think they are essential in schools.

  2. Hey Mariza, I have never heard about this book before and I have
    read a lot of books. I like how you talked about the lunch ladies
    basically being a superhero to the students in school.


15- AshleyM: Sleepless emotions

  As screens take our daily lives , they also take our resting nights. The daily scroll through social media and endless tiktoks that make u...