Tuesday, March 1, 2022

8 - Janessa H: We can be heroes

We all can be heroes 

When it comes to superheroes we look up to them and our younger generations aspire to be them. I look at marvel and DC and see predominantly white superheroes. For example, the first avengers were all white superheroes and kids fell in love with them but it leaves me wondering if some wonder why they didn't look like them.

As time continued Marvel did include a variety in their new heroes introduced but not by a lot. The factors considered are based on more than race though, you see more male heros then you do female heros and the young women who want to feel and be a hero are wondering if they can. We as a society have gotten use to this idea and deem it normal to have predominantly one type of superhero but the world needs to see diversity on the movie screens, kids need to see superheroes that can potentially look like them weather their black, white, hispanic, native american, asian, a mixed race, female, male, gay, straight and the list goes on.

 I believe the superhero world needs to be all inclusive, I  understand you may not be able to fit all of that variety in but in this century I believe it is extremely important to try. We battle prejudice, hate, and unfair treatment because of our gender or race and that has gone up recently, when children look at the big screen they can see that it doesn't matter who you are or what you look like you can still be  a hero and make a difference, you don't just have to fit into a single category. We all can be heroes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janessa,
    I agree, the superhero movie genre has taken minimal steps to be more inclusive. Although in recent years there has been a little progress, its still not enough. Even with superheroes (who aren't white cis straight males) are represented, often it can be inaccurate or offensive. For example when women are portrayed on screen, films might throw in a love scene or dress her in a sexualized way to please audiences. However this is completely unnecessary, and you wouldn't see such writing with a male character. I like that you mentioned the lack of LGBTQ superheroes because I cannot name a single one, and the majority of superheroes I can name are all white men. Great job!


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