Tuesday, March 22, 2022

11-Nigel R: Freedom as a Teen is Earned

    Freedom for teens can be a subject that is debated by many people. Some parents allow their kids to have a lot of freedom and some parents barely give their kids any freedom. Personally, I feel like it depends on the situation.

If the kid is usually a good kid that doesn’t get in trouble and has good grades I feel like they should be allowed to do things like go out with friends and hangout. I feel that this level of freedom is like a reward for being a good kid and being responsible. If the kid is untrustworthy I feel like the parents should be strict with their kids and not let them have too much freedom. If parents allow their kids freedom while they’re irresponsible it will make them not correct their behavior and keep doing what they are doing. The parents would be doing a disservice to the kid if they let them do whatever they want whenever they want and they’re having issues with behavior.

Teens that have issues  with their behavior shouldn’t even expect the same privileges as teens that don’t. However I also believe that some teens with behavior issues should get to do some things  depending on how bad the behavior is, but not as often as responsible ones.

Word Count: 225

A State of Perfect Freedom - John Locke Foundation

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nigel,
    I really agree with your idea of teens and freedom I believe freedom is earned and parents should give their child s chance to earn their trust instead of automatically taking it away. This was a great blog I connected to a lot as I had to earn my freedom and I don't have extremely strict parents because of that while others do.


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