Monday, March 14, 2022

10-Nigel R- Who Should Make the Decision?

When getting a tattoo or piercing, it is a big decision for a teenager to make. Once they do it, it is something that’ll be with them the rest of their lives. I feel like this is a decision that shouldn’t be decided only by a teenager because it’s something that stays with them forever and it’s a big decision for a teen to make. 

When deciding I think the parents should decide because they’re older and they’ll probably know if their kid actually wants it or not. I say this because sometimes teenagers are really indecisive and they change their minds a lot. They might feel like they want a piercing or tattoo one day but then change their mind a month later. The parents can make sure their kids have wanted this for a long time and make sure they really want it. 

Parents can also make sure their kids get these done by the right people. If a teen does this by someone that is not a professional they could risk the person doing the procedure using the same needle as someone else and infecting them with an illness.

If a teen wants to decide for themselves I think they should really make sure it’s what they want. They should make sure they don’t change their mind and they genuinely want a piercing or tattoo because it stays with them forever. 

Word Count: 234


  1. Hi Nigel! I definitely agree that parents should decide if their teenager should get a piercing or tattoo. I myself have 7 piercings, but they are all in my ears and my parents will not let me get any more until I turn 18. I also have several tattoos planned out that I have been telling my parents about for a couple of years now, but they won't let me get them until the day I turn 18. Although I have begged them to sign the papers to let me get them early, I understand why they want me to wait. Our minds are still developing and things we might want now might not be what we want in the future. I have my whole life ahead of me, so I'm willing to listen to my parents and wait until December to get my first tattoo.

  2. Hi Nigel,
    I agree with you, the placement or design of a tattoo is permanent, and difficult to remove or reverse, which is why depending on the design, I think an adult in a minors life should have say in whether they can get it done. With piercings however, I find there's more flexibility. A facial or ear piercing can always be removed and the hole will close up and in addition, the jewelry can be switched however often it allows. I believe temporary tattoos and piercings are a great way for a young person to test out whether they would like living with the new modification. I like that you mentioned getting it done by the right person. Going to a professional is always the best option, and parents also need to realize that if the child is willing to pay and take care of the new mod, they could allow them to get it or else they will do it themselves. Imagine if a young person wanted to get their ears pierced, parents say no, but the child is adamant on getting it and does it themselves. No sanitized needles, no gloves, this can result in an infection and if it gets bad enough the parents could be paying more in medical bills then they would to simply get the teens ear pierced. Great post!

  3. Hey Nigel! I agree with your post as well, I believe that parents should have the final word when it comes to getting a tattoo as a teen. As you said, many teens are impulsive and tend to do outlandish things in the moment. Though that may not always be the case, for a teen to truly make their decision, even if their parents’ say no now, waiting to see whether they'd want it 2 years down the line isn’t a bad idea. Adults tend to have better judgment of a situation but that is especially because of their past experiences too.


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