Tuesday, March 22, 2022

11 - Diego B: Effects of Sticky Notes

I occasionally keep sticky notes on hold with me. I do not think much of them, as with most belongings that are in my life. The most which I ever employ of sticky notes revolves around my daily reminders to finish writing my professional college paper or watching a video regarding how to properly cite our local Solano community library. Sticky notes do not contain a voice, but they shout at you, silently, to complete your work. They do not help me too often, however, since I generally have so many assignments to keep track of to the point where the reminders of sticky notes get lost in the labyrinth of my own responsibilities. They can become a little obnoxious, in fact, whenever I have the illusion that I am satisfied with my own accomplishments. They inform me that I am not complete with my life, regardless of how I feel about it. They inform me that I should not be satisfied with my life yet, regardless of how I feel about it. Only when the sticky notes go away, then I can do whatever I want. I am unsure whether you should incorporate sticky notes into your life or not. It boils down to personal preferences. I only prefer to use sticky notes when they are absolutely necessary, such as when there is an assignment about writing flashcards that I am certain that I will forget about. A daily reminder to remember completing something is not harmful, but having them will make you feel different about the accomplishments and success in your life. (264 words)

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