Monday, March 21, 2022

11- Preston K: love of spring

When asked to choose the favorite season of the year I would expect most to answer with summer, and that is an understandable choice. It's a time of no school, hot weather, and free time to go out and enjoy life. But if I was asked what my favorite season of the year is, I would choose spring.

Spring to me is the beginning of hot days. Unlike summer, springtime is almost like the intro to summer. Within spring you get to enjoy the upcoming final days of school. And during this time school isn't so difficult. All the tests begin to get easier and the overall mood of school changes. Everyone goes from gloomy wearing only sweatshirts and sweatpants to shorts and a t- shirt. Classes become a little more enjoyable and you can look forward to maybe even enjoying a day at school.

Along with the school environment changing spring marks the start of the track and field season. Giving the opportunity to finally go and compete and put to test all the months you have been training for it. Because spring isn't too hot like summer towards the middle of the track season you start to see the real speed. Temperatures ranging from 75-85 degrees make the runner feel warm and loose, and that always leads to an exciting race

The only downfall to springtime is the effect performance cars are affected by the weather. Towards the end of winter turbo cars will be at their peak of performance due to the denser cold air being compressed keeping the charge air temperatures low and eliminating heat soak to the cars allowing for longer and faster drives in the mountains. 

Words 284

1 comment:

  1. Hey Preston I love how you started it off with a contrast to the mass majorities beliefs and compared them to your own that used your other paragraphs to deepen that thought. You truly passionate about your sport and i know that and this piece perfectly portrays that, good job Preston.


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