Monday, March 7, 2022

9: Raymond L - Spongebob

 Spongebob was a show that I would watch all the time when I was younger. In my free time I would either be playing outside with toys or friends, or I would be watching my favorite show, Spongebob. I had no idea why it was my favorite show when I was little other than it was a dumb show to laugh at and just waste time. I remember that I would be up later than I should’ve been and I was laying in my bed watching Spongebob trying to fall asleep. I would fall asleep to the laughing of Spongebob, the annoyed voice of Squidward or even the dumb statements that Patrick would make. This TV show brought me lots and lots of joy and made me laugh and smile everytime I would watch it. From watching Spongebob annoy Squidward, Spongebob and Patrick doing stupid things, and Mr. Krabs always goes on about “Money Money Money,” Spongebob was just one of those shows that parents could leave their kids to watch while they go do something else without really having to worry about their children. My favorite character out of this whole show would have to be Patrick, just because he would make me laugh everytime he pops up on the screen, one of my favorite things of his was, “Is mayonnaise and instrument” or “is this the Krusty Krab,” “No this is Patrick.” Overall Spongebob was a great show that I would always watch as a kid and if I could go back to it like when I was little I definitely would.


  1. Hey Raymond! I was interested in this post because I never watched Spongebob growing up. I was one of those kids whose parents didn't let them watch it because they thought it was "stupid." The only times I ever watched it was when I would go to my grandparents' house and my cousins would be watching it. Since I've been older, I've watched a few episodes of Spongebob here and there, but obviously it didn't have the same effect on me as it would've when I was a kid. I will always feel a little jealous of people who grew up watching it because everyone is always making references to the show that go right over my head.

  2. Hey ray, its interesting to me that you haad liked sponge bob so much as a kid because i had the same reason you had to like it too dislike it. I hated watching that show because i felt like it was all too dumb to like. None the less i probably still watched hundreds of episodes just because it was always on, but i never had that connection that other kids had like you.

  3. Hi Raymond,
    I enjoyed watching SpongeBob as well when I was younger. I was fortunate enough to watch shows like SpongeBob when I was younger because my mother did not think that it was stupid (I actually watched a lot more violent shows when I was younger). I remember watching shows like SpongeBob when I was younger and I wish that I could back and relive those moments---they feel much simpler than what we do today.


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