Tuesday, March 15, 2022

10- Katrina Smith: The corner of my bedroom

On the opposite side of the DC and Doctor Who comic books, and from the right side of the vanilla scented candle, there are five black instrument cases piled in, running out of room and escaping their designated spots. The Redline amp is the only thing keeping them from escaping. It holds my $10 fender blues harmonica on top. In the way, a useless broken lamp takes up space and collects dust. Wires and cables neatly organized preventing any trips or falls, and a small sized keyboard placed behind my dresser. One of the instruments already escaped, the Mahalo uke is hung up on my wall, in order to make room for my future red squire stratocaster.

 I go to this corner whenever I need to practice a piece I'm playing with a group or just to learn something new on my own time. Although I have invested lots of time and money, music is not a career option for me, rather a hobby that I enjoy. My computer is filled with bookmarks of tabs and chords for learning my songs. The corner represents creativity, whenever I place my hands on the strings I'm instantly enthralled on playing, rarely getting distracted. I’ve watched this corner grow from one, two, three, four, five and six in the near future.

Everyone should have a hobby. At least one thing that they enjoy doing just for the sake of doing it, not for what may come along with it. Hobbies that aren't constrained by how much money you make from them or recognition. One of my  hobbies is music, and it's shown by the corner of my room.

Words: 273


  1. I completely agree, everyone should have a hobby to be able to express themselves, when you feel anxious and want to get away hobbies are definitely the prime escape. I love to work for the school in every way possible, for asb especially but it just gives me so much escape.

  2. This was such a nice post! I really loved the way you opened up the blog, by slowly describing the items in your room, until it all made sense into one spot that's designated for your hobby of music. I also find it completely true that everyone should have a hobby. I have a lot, and over the years it's changed, but I'm glad you found one that sticks with you and how you described that using the corner of your room.


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