Monday, March 14, 2022

10: Yara A- The Granting Of Diplomas

 Blog #10- The Granting Of Diplomas 

To be able to graduate at Will C Wood Highschool you need 4 years of English equivalent to 40 credits, 3 years of math (20 credits), 2 years of a social science (30 credits), 2 years of lab science (20 credits) 1 year of fine art (10 credits), 2 years of a foreign language, physical education, health and then lastly elective credits. This can essentially be very overwhelming to look at since in order to graduate you need a D or better in all your classes. 

Graduation is stereotyped into that “thing” that is looked at like “4 more years and I won’t have to go to school anymore” but in reality life is not going to get easier after you graduate high school most students are going to be adults already and you have to prepare yourself for what is yet to come. Having a successful life post high school requires that you put in the work. 

Graduation to me doesn't just mean walking that stage, Graduation signifies to me that I did everything I could to get into a good college, that I put in the effort and it paid off. It means that I will be the first in my family to be able to move on from highschool and go to my dream college. Graduation post life to me stands in a completely different point. After you walk that stage and officially graduate you have all the power to decide what you are going to do next. That moment alone signifies which direction your life is going to go into. It sets up everything that is set to follow in the next four years. 

My freshman year I never would have imagined that I’d be where I am now. Although I had good grades I was doing the bare minimum, I wasn’t pushing myself and I certainly didn’t think I was going to college. Looking back since my freshman year my life has changed drastically. I have so many goals for myself now, I am challenging myself by taking hard courses, I want to go to college and be successful. 3 years ago I just never could’ve imagined myself being where I am now. 

Graduation to me is more than words can describe, it is that thing I have been fighting so hard for and will receive in the efforts of my hard work, it is the “spark” for everything that is yet to come. It is a relief yet a burden as it now means I have the power to make my own decisions. It is everything to me. 

Word Count: 433

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