Tuesday, March 22, 2022

11 - Janessa H: Anything is possible

Anything is possible

Life is full of doubts and obstacles, twists and turns not allowing anything to be certain instead we are only left with possibilities. We are left with the question maybe or I don't know most of the time, this day in age or at least this generation we are not certain about anything are go to answers are “we’ll see”, “I don't know”, and “i'll let you know” at least that's what I've picked up on, the reason I believe this happens is the fact certainty is permanent whereas possibilities run wild and cater to our imaginations. 

When we give a person a possible answer we are still free to change our minds and decide our fate but when we give that certain yes or no that is the final certain answer they are harder to gain control of and hard to take back. I rather have a little more time to think then be certain all the time because honestly i'm not certain about much, certainty scares me. I don't want to lose that sense of control or make everything permanent before I explore the endless possibilities.

I live by the quote “anything is possible if you put your mind to it” that is not meant to take literal obviously you define gravity or breathe underwater no matter how hard you try but in a more mental meaning if you want to achieve your goals you can no matter how high or large far or near, it won't be easy or fast but as long as you believe in yourself and believe you have open possibilities it will happen, the second you give into doubt is the second all that disappears and you are left with the curiosity of what if.

Don't allow certainty to box in your imagination. Believe anything is truly possible and reach for the stars because the sky’s too close, let the endless possibilities guide you to strive much higher than your previous mentality allowed, because anything is possible.

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