Monday, March 14, 2022

10: Ethan R - Our biggest step

  On our never-ending countdown clock of adulthood we only have a few more barriers to breakthrough. Many get their license, first jobs, first loves but it all just brings down to the biggest blockade that separates our lives as wide eyed children, to laboring adults is our high school graduation. 

Our whole education careers build you up to that point, the walk of adulthood. Where friends and family join to celebrate you, putting up the will power to succeed through hard work, toxic friendships and false loves. Its built up to be this monumental moment of happiness and success, but as it approaches rapidly its becoming the terrifying nightmare that keeps you up in a  cold sweat.

Graduation terrifies me because i feel me and many of us are not ready for that responsibility. Covid stripped us of a year of maturity and growth and set us back a year. You can see it in the freshman they did not have those fundamental years of harassment of middle school to turn them into high schoolers so they act as if they should be in primary school. And for us there is no way in a little over a year we will be working class adult contributing to our society.

This next step is approchig faster then we can anticipate, we have to apply for colleges and choose our whole career path in less the half a year and its exhausting a terrifying, we endure our hardest year as juniors just to be solved into a wave of responsibility none of us are prepared for. Graduation is the next big step and we are not prepared for it

Words 277


  1. Hey Ethan! This post stressed me out. I agree with you that we are not ready to graduate yet, which is why I'm grateful that we have another year to prepare ourselves. I think it's important how you mentioned that we were stripped of a year and a half of high school. It seems like our whole lives we were preparing to go for that final four years. Older siblings and parents hyped up the "high school experience" and "the most important four years of your life" but we were robbed of that experience. The Freshman here at Wood definitely seem to act even less mature than usual, and I agree that it definitely has something to do with them missing virtually all of middle school. I know that we will be ready to leave high school and join the real world when the time comes, but right now it's a terrifying thought.

  2. Hi Ethan,
    I feel as though that I am not prepared to graduate too, even though I am still a junior. I feel like we could have more time to mature as students in sophomore year, but I barely learned anything from last year since we learned mostly from home. I feel like I did not give us enough time as students to smoothly transition from being new to high school to preparing from college. The jump from freshman year to junior year put much of us off on our aim to graduate, in my opinion.


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