Monday, March 28, 2022

12-Ethan R- preform your art

 All throughout my child hood i have done plays, and musicals, and everything of the preforming art nature. Its partly the reason ive become a extroverted student leader on campus, but for years before ASB i was obsessed with theater.

I understand this prompt was meant for playing outside but it's meant to be how the writer expresses the word, and i express it through theater. I loved theater, practically lived and breathed it. I knew all the broadway musicals and it consumed me. I was in over 12 different plays and played multiple different roles over years span.

But i believe that being in some sort of theater or preforming art is fundamental to our youth because it teaches kids loads of valuable lessons. It teaches them to express themselves in unconventional ways. It improves public speaking and makes people more available to taking risks. You have to take a risk and audition for roles they want. You have to work on team building with your cast and have to embrace them for months on end to get a production to run smoothly. And when you have to preform you must learn to express yourself infront of alot of people, which helps with public speaking anxiety and just group speaking. It causes kids to understand life lessons early on and will make kids more extroverted and expressive. 

Theater will make a positive impact on many kids lives, and will make them more expressive and will cause early life lessons that will make them more productive in the future, plus its really fun!

Word  249

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ethan!
    I can definitely tell you are an extroverted person and very involved with our school and to hear that all came from theater is crazy. I took theater my freshman and sophomore year and absolutely fell in love with it and my hope is to return my senior year, it's such a safe space and you have the room to be yourself. I think you explained that really well too!


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