Tuesday, March 1, 2022

8 - Raymond L- Perspectives

 Perspective is a funny word. Perspective is the way that someone or multiple people see things. For example Disney Land, the happiest place on Earth as said by everyone. Many people say Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth. In one family's perspective it can be, and in another family’s it could be the worst, going through multiple issues, with luggage, children complaining, crying, throwing up, etc. 

Different people have different perspectives on everything, life, sports, and movies. There is perspective on your point of view whether you are watching a movie and how well you enjoy it and then the perspective of someone else who may not enjoy it. Same goes for life. You could be having the greatest day of your life and hanging out with your friends, but those friends also could be having a bad day and are trying to cheer up by being with you. 

Perspective messes with a lot of people, it can also be used in politics using a different perspective than other politicians to try to get more people on your side. Once those see which side they want to be on they will more than likely choose that person. Perspectives are all different, stories from one person can be a certain way and then another person can tell the same but once you hear it from the other person it isn’t the same because of the way they saw it. 

Perspective just brings a different way of seeing things than others, and everyone has a different perspective on different things. 

Word count: 258

1 comment:

  1. Hey, yeah its so weird to that every person has their own individual perspective, i also wrote about this topic and we have a lot of similar points and interests!, I loved your point about disneyland everyone always wants to go until theyre there and have to wait in ridiculous lines with obnoxious people, great job this week Bud


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