Monday, March 7, 2022

9- Yara A: Slumber Party

 Blog #9- Slumber Party 

I love to sleep. Although most of the time I find it troubling to actually fall asleep, I like feeling well rested. I am not a morning person at all and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I always feel tired which means I am extremely lazy to get up and start my day the correct way. In the Ted Talk by Matt Walker on 6 tips for better sleep he states that “regularity is king” emphasizing on his message that if you go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time everyday it will improve “both the quality and quantity” of your sleep.

Going to sleep and waking up everyday at the same time is something that I struggle with. My days vary a lot, there are different times that I get off of work and my night schedules are very different everyday. Sometimes they consist of staying up really late doing homework and other days it’s getting off of work late and then on weekends it’s getting off early and the cycle continues. There isn’t any consistency with my night routine, which essentially probably plays a big role on why I feel so exhausted most days. 

In his second tip, Matt Walker states that temperature plays an important part on how easily we fall asleep and i completely agree. From personal experience I find it harder to fall asleep when it is hot. I tend to fall asleep easier when my room is cold. In his third tip he emphasizes on how we are a “dark deprived society”  recommending us to sleep in complete darkness and to stay away from devices in the last hour before trying to fall asleep. I find this statement to be true, I like sleeping in complete darkness while I know other people tend to fall asleep with the lights on or maybe a movie playing in the background I just personally couldn’t. 

Skipping to the final tip Matt Walker gives us in the Ted Talk is to have a wind down routine which is something I personally feel like I should work on. Throughout his ted talk he emphasizes on putting our phones/ electronics down 1 hour before we go to bed which is something I don't typically do. I feel like in this hour it could be used as an opportunity to find something else to do like read a book or find a new hobby that will help you wind down in that hour before bed. 

I did find these tips helpful as someone who typically goes to bed at 12 in the morning if not later everyday and will try to establish a better sleeping routine. 

Word Count: 456 


  1. Hi Yara,
    I relate to your struggle of waking up properly quite a bit. However, I probably disagree with Matt Walker's first tip on how to sleep peacefully that "regularity is king". I find that even if I go to bed and wake up at the same time, which I do, I still have a difficult time waking up. I do agree with his second tip that colder temperatures are easier to sleep in, since I generally sleep better in the winter than the summer.

  2. Hi Yara!
    I think the tips Matt Walker gave are generally helpful for everyone. Usually with sleep cycle studies or tips on sleep the tips don't always work for different groups, but these are some universal tips that could work for all people. Personally, I heavily believe that bright lights can effect how quickly we fall asleep. Hours before bed I dim the lights, and have my phone set to automatically change some features so the light doesn't affect me. I recommend turning on dark mode and blue light filter and turning down the brightness on devices a few hours before you go to bed. It's helped me get a consistent sleep. Great job!


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